Fat people jokes
BurningHalo @burninghalo
commented on
Fat people jokes
BurningHalo @burninghalo
"A little negative reinforcement for the very obese is good"
I'll repeat, go back to page 4. I have some required reading for you. That statement is 100% false. Scholarly journals, testimonials, and even government sources. All for you. It has not and will not help.
I will say this one last time, all your joking about it is doing is making you look like an asshole who enjoys putting others down. I'm done with this thread now.
Old_Account @xiao_hu
commented on
Fat people jokes
Old_Account @xiao_hu
Yeah as if I'm going to take studies like that seriously - thats pure confirmation bias and still doesn't answer the question - what exactly do you propose we do? We've tried positive reinforcement, we've tried subtly nudging them along. Regardless, calling what I'm saying "fat shaming" is dubious at best. You don't see me bullying people on here. Just making fun of people who happen to end up online with cringeworthy statements, sometimes with rebuttals.
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
commented on
Fat people jokes
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
If your not targeting nobody on here what is the thread about? If that's the case you should go post this on another site where you think it will be helpful js
Old_Account @xiao_hu
commented on
Fat people jokes
Old_Account @xiao_hu
>If your not targeting nobody on here what is the thread about?
Essentially, public health awareness. But every thread I post on here is, in some way, an experiment.
xxx @__removed_gurren921
commented on
Fat people jokes
xxx @__removed_gurren921
Yo momma so fat she gave Dracula diabetes :)
Old_Account @xiao_hu
commented on
Fat people jokes
Old_Account @xiao_hu
>Yo momma so fat she gave Dracula diabetes :)
Finally someone gets it!
You know what Tess Munster and Muenster cheese have in common? They're both fatties.
Gudmoore @gudmoore
commented on
Fat people jokes
Gudmoore @gudmoore
> Essentially, public health awareness. But every thread I post on here is, in some way, an experiment.
Ah. See, I KNEW you'd find some bullshit way to absolve yourself of all personal responsibility for your words. An experiment, my ass.
Old_Account @xiao_hu
commented on
Fat people jokes
Old_Account @xiao_hu
>Ah. See, I KNEW you'd find some bullshit way to absolve yourself of all personal responsibility for your words.
You've got some real passive aggressive behaviour going on there towards me. Its an experiment but I stand behind what I say, got it? I like to see what this thread turns into. Again, not bullying, and simply spreading tongue-in-cheek jokes while passing on a valuable lesson - Obesity is almost as hazardous as smoking.
Arc @arc
commented on
Fat people jokes
Arc @arc
This thread is in very bad taste...
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Fat people jokes
yaasshat @yaasshat
Shhhh... It's an experiment.;P
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