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sup from 'murica

Apr 04, 16 at 1:57pm
Wassup Wassup ;--) I had to make a different account because I forgot the login for my other one, plus i haven't used it in like a year LOL BUT YEA NOBODY KNEW ME ANYTHING SO ITS A GOOD THING HI !! actuallyy i don't know how to introduce myself lmao, but i'm trying my best. im hot though look at that profile picture mmm /just kidding i look like an elephant shrew that got run over by a pickup truck Well seeing as this is website to discuss anime, i might as well say what stuff i've watched lmao bewareimamajorweeb Tokyo Ghoul, Jonjou Romantica [you know it ;--)], shingeki no kyojin (idk who hasnt seen it honestly,) Kuroshitsuji, Wolf Girl and Black Prince, Say I love You, Elfen Lied, OHSHC, Diabolik Lovers (that female protag though, jfc she's weak,) and a lottt more. Like you could tell me any name and i probably watched it. I have lots of free time :'--) WELL YEA AS YOU CAN SEE I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW TO INTRODUCE BECAUSE THAT CONCLUDES MY INTRODUCTION LOL Bye and i also hope to see you on forums :^) -Xingu
oh hai there http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/998/234/69c.jpg welcome to the site hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
Welcome and don't have too many nosebleeds :D
Apr 04, 16 at 3:50pm
https://m.popkey.co/f2b1ac/76JDe_s-200x150.gif Welcome
Hello and welcome to M.O.~! :D *pops party streamers and throws glitter* I hope you'll enjoy it, here! ^w^ https://media.giphy.com/media/Te3vyhjhlQBaM/giphy.gif
Apr 04, 16 at 10:52pm
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay.
Apr 05, 16 at 9:32am
Thank you guys for the welcome! ^_^
http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/131/1/a/wave_by_monnick-d7i06j2.gif Hiya,hope you enjoy your stay on MO
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