Sports anime or Horror Anime?

Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
Sports anime or Horror Anime?
Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
Which do you prefer and why?

neeto @neet_one
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
neeto @neet_one
I find sports boring and horror is often little more than goreporn.
If I 'had' to pick one I'd go with sports because I've had better luck with sports anime and have seen a few I'd say were actually pretty decent.

Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
I respect that. I'm more of a horror anime person though. I find them more engaging

traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
traumaticsherry @traumaticsherry

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
horror anime because there are a lot of good horror anime and sports anime are mehhh.. i only like kuroko and haikyuu. you can only do so much with sports

Mathew @mathews
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
Mathew @mathews
Sports.. Slam dunk,Prince of tennis, haikyuu, kuroko no basket, baby steps, Giant killing... There is a few others too.

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Horror anime. I love it when I get the chills crawling down my back. ^w^

Ed~ @yamadaed
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
Sports Anime. I tend to relate more to the characters in sports anime than horror anime

(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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Sports anime or Horror Anime?
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
Free! Enough said.
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