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Clingy people, turn on/off?

I would have to say I'm kind of clingy. I think I've been called an affectionate bastard once or twice. And I know the one I like doesn't really like it. But I think people should be at least a little clingy sometimes. Better that then distant.
Apr 01, 16 at 1:51pm
Me, myself CAN be very clingy, but I prefer to keep myself from being too clingy, because it doesn't feel like it's me. So I'd like to have a relationship where we can both do our own thing and hang out whenever we want too
Being too far on either side of the spectrum is definitely unattractive. If I had to pick I would rather be with someone who isn't clingy. My ex played both sides depending on the day. One day she would want to talk all day and get mad if I said I was busy or took too long to respond to a text, while other days we wouldn't talk at all. I was okay with both but dealing with either of those extremes for days and weeks at a time was a bit stressful.
Apr 01, 16 at 6:16pm
pffft. That's why I was dumped by my crush..and not only that ._. I succumbed to that side of me.Damn I dont wanna go back to that self again. Sheesh. Well lessons are learned in every experience that comes in our way. But in the end if the other party is getting too clingy and the party being clung to is not liking it, then it would be best to be honest with each other ._. Sit down and talk. But some people would just keep things to themselves and not say a word because well, either they dont wanna hurt someone or they dont really care hehehehe. I dont know if that helps though *scoffs* Either way, being too much on the other side of the spectrum is unhealthy. *tells that to self* There are times when you should follow your instincts and stop being clingy because everyone does like to have their own space.For those who loves to shower love to mostly everyone around regardless of anything, so be it!Just make sure youre giving them to the right people. In my case, I think I gave it to the right person. I just got overboard and expected things way too much that it didnt end well.Ahh I dont wanna be shameless anymore. *Goes ninja mode*
I am not clingy at all friends and ex's know that very well. I like to give people space and I like my space. I just don't want to be annoying to the other person. I am not fond of clingy people for instance an ex would text me throughout the entire day, "Where are", "what are you doing?" "What are you up to?" "Why aren't you texting me back as quickly". For 3 straight days he would text me that. I told him to stop because I need to finish h.w and had other activities. >~> Then at school he would cling onto me and all my friends would leave us alone when I wanted to chat with everyone and him. >-<; Final straw was him hugging/watching me while eatting lunch and comment I was cute when I ate?!?! And that makes me nervous... So I am not clingy neither am I fond of super clingy people. I like a system that works xD and strange enough my best friend understands and that's why our bond is strong!!
i dont mind someone being clingy nor do i mind giving them space, i like the best of both, a good balance between the 2. I can be bit clingy myself at times though.
Well...I'm a Yin and Yang kind of guy. I'm a lone wolf that dislikes company, and always does his best to avoid any form of interaction with people. But on rare occasions when somebody catches my eye and I really like them......well...you're probably never going to get rid of me. I'll hold on to you till the end of time and never ever let go. xD So probably the best match for me would be somebody just as clingy as me to balance it out. :P
if they understand I need time alone, but for whatever reason they want to be with me 24/7 im fine because its easier to seperate us and live own life but if they NEED to be around me 24/7 and they dont know we need space than I need to get away quickly
In moderation. You don't want someone who's unaffectionate nor someone that will go crazy if they can't see you for more than a few minutes. But there's probably a good reason why someone would be too clingy though. They may feel insecure or they lack emotional support and warmth due to previous estrangement. And that those humanly needs were not/rarely provided before the relationship started.
Personally me myself when I am around the person I like I can be very clingy and I also feel bad about it because they usually get mad at me .-. but I cant help the feeling of always thinking and wanting them. So of course I would be open and love for the person to be clingy.^u^
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