never fitting in...
115 @siruboo
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never fitting in...
115 @siruboo
id rather die then to fit in
---- @chrissy
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never fitting in...
---- @chrissy
Honestly, Fitting in isn't very great either! Not fitting in allows you to see who your real friends are and who are the fakes. In my High School there's a huge social Hierarchy, (I envy those who don't have it XD) I used to be one of the "popular" girls. It was great at first but things got horrible. You're constantly surrounded by people, invited and forced to parties you don't want to go to. Peer pressured into guys because hey apparently your self worth is only validated when you have some asshole to cling onto. I'm glad I abandoned that scene - I'm happy with just having a couple of really close friends~ so if you feel less important because you aren't apart of a group or you don't have a lot of friends don't be because you're just as important - it's quality not quantity - personally I like having my own space and not being too involved with the people in my classes XDD
Max @reclaw
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never fitting in...
Max @reclaw
I don't feel the need to fit in.
I am myself, and the people that are around me are only there, because we like each other.
And I don't go easy on anyone. Everyone gets the full Max-package. Take it or leave it.
punhero @punhero
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never fitting in...
punhero @punhero
This account has been suspended.
Rebellion @superfranky
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never fitting in...
Rebellion @superfranky
Hmmmmm my friends are all dumbass, perverted, otakus, so I fit in pretty well with them. Lol
Sometimes you just have to make your own group.
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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never fitting in...
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
I change how I act to fit in, I think i fit in most groups just fine. Just change ur act depending on the group and everything is good
Rebellion @superfranky
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never fitting in...
Rebellion @superfranky
So in other words, change yourself?
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
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never fitting in...
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Bingo, though just for a while when in the group
Animekid @animekid
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never fitting in...
Animekid @animekid
Rebellion for some people happens easier than others. For me if I fit in i fit in and if I don't I don't but I have also found that in the past I have almost without notice end up changing a little bit depending on the people around me to the point where I sometimes think of myself as a conglomeration of the people I have met.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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never fitting in...
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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