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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

@Napalm: I don't know what your political ideology is, but I'm a pretty far left kind of person, and that's what it mostly comes down to. Ultimately, I agree with Clinton on most things, and I feel there's a much better chance she'll do some good things for the U.S, or at least more things than any Republican president would. Those are just my beliefs though, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me. Also, it's not like Clinton is the only politician in office who's dirty, and it's not like Trump hasn't done many eyebrow raising things himself in the past (his money-scamming college is one example of many). Finally, I would much rather throw my support behind someone who's corrupt than someone who trumpets incredibly racist ideologies.
May 27, 16 at 2:54pm
Neither of the candidates are presidential material. The US is very political polarized right now. Civil war coming soon to an America near you.
@blood&icecream Yes lets all vote for someone whos corrupt just because Hillary wont hurt peoples little feelings. Leftist logic at its finest
@mrzsfo415 To be honest I'm at that point if that lying bitch gets the nominee (which looks like with how the Democratic party and Super Delegats are acting; yeah she'll get it) then I won't be voting. I did in the Primaries for Sanders. I hate Trump because (and I know this is cliche) he reminds me a lot of Hitler if not worse. Hell, between Trump and Hitler, I'll go with Hitler. I dunno if I'll move to Canada or not. I know some of my irl and online friends are saying they might if Trump gets elected. If Hilary does become President I think between her recent actions, the email leaks, and now her being investigated she might be forced to leave office or (and I consider this more unlikely but more hopeful) that all of this will finally get to the people's heads and cause another revolution. Trump as well as Bernie have been really driving people more on an emotional level from what I'm seeing than Hilary for some form of change. @Sunbae: I think at first this was all a practical joke on Trump's part. He was really just trolling us all but now his Mt. Rushmore sized ego has taken control of his campaign. Now he's in it to win just to prove he can. I don't think he has seriously thought what he'll do with his Presidency.
@kawaiicat: okay, that's... really an oversimplification of what I've said. I am in no way a huge fan of Clinton, and you're crazy if you think Trump isn't just as liable of being corrupt as Clinton (I mean, have you seen anything about his for profit college they're investigating him for). There both terrible choices for president, and both of them should probably have criminal charges brought against them. If you wanna argue about liberal vs. conservative shit, then fine, but I think Clinton's as corrupt as any president we've had in the past, and ultimately I'd take her bullshit over Trump's simply because of ideology. I would expect any conservative to feel the same way about picking Trump over Clinton.
i never said you were a fan of clinton, i was just pointing how you'd vote for a blatantly corrupt government official just because of your politically correct ideologies. true, everyone is liable to be corrupt but when you are bringing in someone who WILL abuse their power right off the bat then you have a problem. if you think everyone is too corrupt to be president right now (or at all) you may as well waive your right to vote.
@kawaiicat: I'm a liberal piece of shit; I said as much in the first post I made. You're making Clinton out to be so much worse than ever other politician out there and I simply don't agree. If we're talking about Trump as the other major alternative, I'd be voting for a guy who doesn't share any of the same beliefs as me (far beyond just issues of political correctness and race) and who I believe is just as capable of the same corruption as Clinton. If you're trying to say I'm biased against conservatives/Republicans, that's not the case. For example I would vote for John Kasich if he were an option. I don't belief he's either as corrupt as Clinton or Trump, and I can agree with at least some of things he says. I would like to think I give every politician a shot; a few years ago, I was even voicing some support for Ron Paul. Ultimately, I don't know who I'm voting for yet. In earlier posts, I only said I'm not voting for Trump, even if Clinton is the only other option, which she's not. There are other smaller candidates, but they certainly wouldn't get elected; if I feel strongly enough about not voting for either, though, I would still vote for someone, even if they had no chance.
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