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DonChalant @donchalant
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DonChalant @donchalant
Whats up!

chimerayuri @chimerayuri
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chimerayuri @chimerayuri
Hi hi

amuroray0079 @amuroray0079
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amuroray0079 @amuroray0079
Do you like Bee and Puppycat, its a cute show.

kawaiicat @kawaiicat
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kawaiicat @kawaiicat
thats incredibly dishonest of you, to try to alter what you said. the exact words were "higher agency", not "more moral agency". wording is important and you dont get to weasel out of it by changing it. anyway if humans have higher agency than animals, then it should be ok to kill them at least as long as its for survival and it is not unheard of for people to kill for food to survive. this doesnt fit in with your arguments for veganism at all
also you're a mod, so act like one and dont make personal attacks again

kawaiicat @kawaiicat
commented on
kawaiicat @kawaiicat

"where did you tell me i said animals have higher agency above humans?"
this screencap is where i poined it out and where you acknowledged it. i point out this fact and then you move the goalposts by basically ignoring it because according to you i "dont understand veganism" when i didnt even claim that i did at all, and nor was that part of your request to me