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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

>.> #FeelTheBern
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its fine if you want to keep those rose tinted glasses on but facts are facts, hillary is the most corrupt candidate to run for president by far.
@kawaiicat: I don't see how saying she should probably have criminal charges brought against her is viewing through rose-tinted glasses. I never said I would vote for Clinton, only that I would rather it be her than Trump. If you're so determined to twist everything I say into something negative, I don't know what the point of having a political discussion even is. God help you if you're around other people with vastly different political opinions than yourself. Whatever, you're still cool with me. But I'm going back to stupid pics now. http://i.imgur.com/DRs6wDx.png
I want to believe that Draggerfall. I hope it does. But I think the DMC and Super Delegats are gonna do whatever they can to make sure that Hillary gets the nomination. I wouldn't be surprised though if she did SOMEHOW beat Trump and became president that she soon had to resign like Nixon did. I just wish the slip in her popularity was sooner in the primaries.
I say that because even though hillary is corrupt, you legitimately believe she could do some good for the country if she were to be elected. Also saying that she should "probably" have charges brought up against her isnt the same as saying that she should definitely have charges brought up against her. There really isnt any point in having a political discussion if your beliefs are all over the place and nonsensical
@kawaiicat: you are so full of shit, you know that? It really doesn't matter what I say at this point, does it? You're twisting everything I say, and you don't even seem to know it. I write a whole goddamn post, and you cherry pick the word "probably" to mean, "oh, you don't really think charges should be brought against her." You aren't even trying to understand what I'm saying because you made up your mind about me before we even started talking. And I really don't understand why you feel the need to be so fucking hostile about everything. Maybe I could understand you're viewpoint if you offered me some of your beliefs instead of just strawmanning everything I say. But no, you're a waste of time. People like you make me sad. I hope you have a nice life.
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