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Are You Ready For A Trump Nation?

May 25, 16 at 10:16pm
I'm moving to my best friend's country and living in his backyard
I admit the cool air of Canada is appealing XD
As much as I hate to admit this ... I am probably NOT going to VOTE at all ... I am NOT going to VOTE for Hillary because she is against some of the policy that I am for ... ( 2nd amendment rights) I can't Vote for Trump since his most recent political stance its too far right... but whatever happens ... I am ready for the Brave new world that awaits us ... Just like in the game "The Division" when SHTF ... I will rise up with my grab bag and supplies and stand up to looters/bad guys ...
May 26, 16 at 12:44pm
Well, he hit the required number of delegates. He's now officially the republican candidate
Yeah I heard he just reached the required delegate count for the republican nomination. Honestly, I feel that Trump is just majorly trolling us and that he wont enact most of the policies that he said that he would
When he wins in November I'm going to say God Bless America!! ^^ .
Even here there is no escape from the Trump. I have to give him credit for being an epic troll and the chaos, tears, and fears have produced much gold to see.
I sort of agree with anyone saying Trump probably wouldn't be as bad as advertised. He talks out of his ass on the campaign trail because that's what people want to hear; that's what every candidate does when they're running for office. I could always be wrong, but I also get the distinct impression he's not nearly as stupid as he makes himself out to be. Sure, chances are he won't be a particularly good president, but I don't believe it will be the end of the world if he gets elected; a lot of U.S. presidents haven't been particularly smart people, and they didn't lead the country to ruin either. Also, like every president before him, I'm sure Trump will have advisers to talk some sense in to him at the very least. Still, I'm not voting for the guy... I don't care how bad Clinton looks, I'd still vote for her over Trump.
I agree with blood with everything but that last part. I feel between Clinton and Trump that Trump is really the far lesser of two evils.
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