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MO: Opinion Thread

What's your opinion on Maiotaku dus' far? Newbies, how are you finding your first few baby months on the site? is it Accommodating, intimidating, disappointing ect.? Vetrans, Why do you keep coming back and whats keeping you here? That special someone, friends, stubbornness, for the lols ect.? Tell tell your thoughts and feelings on the website below or not, whatever. (I dunno if this has been done before or what, but oh well)
I think there are lots of cool people on here, but there is also the occasional butt. I don't care much for the super users on here who seem to attract all the attention. There are far too many inactive or silent members. I'm more attracted to the peeps who participate in the forums, are friendly, and aren't complete weirdos. I come back to this site when I miss my online friends, when I'm curious about responses to threads, or just when I'm bored. Overall, it's a pretty good site for anime fans to find friends and share their passions. As for the dating part, the site isn't very helpful for me.
Mar 14, 16 at 4:10pm
It's weird, very weird. I've never been long on this type of site, but i feel nearly at home here. Well, a home where there is mostly more unknown people.. I kinda ask myself if i'm unpopular or not really interesting cause i don't find that particular spark that says "Ok, he's/she's caring for me". Maybe i'm too early to be this important to you all, and that what's make me asking this to myself. This is not a distress call, i'm not crying about having no friends, they are some of you i like a lot actually, but i'm so in my own mind that, i think, don't know how much i count for you. So far the ambiance seems cool when there is no war. Gladly our Hero is saving the day each time it's necessary. BL and yaoi seems to stick to me a little, not bad but, meh... I have hard time fighting myself over my "bad side" that i'm currently working on smoothing. I don't think any of you has seen it already, and thats a good thing ^^. Concerning people, i think there is a vast amount of different people(From polite to creeping me out), girls are nice(Well, every girls are like Sacred to me somehow..I don't like to hurt them even unintentionally.), mens are mens(Bollocks, manly, handsome, well the list is long). I'm less depressed than i was before comming in, and that's a relief.. All of my current friends(Those who i play Tabletop RPG with) are starting to freak out i break loose with them to be fully MO. I kinda understand their feelings, but well, if they continue like they are, i'll be quitting them(Three minutes in a vocal chan, just talked 3sec and i'm being insulted for no reason what so ever. My French friend is kinda extreme i think ^^').
I keep coming back for certain people, most of them actually aren't here anymore..... Virtually all of them aren't here anymore, but still people and to keep the last post alive forever.
People before last post though.
Mar 14, 16 at 4:30pm
I can relate to that, all my friends are dead (Deactivated) too.
You guys make that sound so grim lol xD - Awesome topic by the way. @Hadesu had a good response as well. Uh well I certainly consider myself new still, despite being on the site for.. a month or two. Only just active recently though. I feel... much less awkward since talking to people on here. I realize I don't have the hugest interest in anime and japanese stuff as others, or the crazy bubbly personalities. But I do feel I connect with many of you, and I don't find that often even with people I know in real life. I still don't know what to expect, I'm kinda just along for the ride c:
well im here for the friends, the lols, and to find someone. this is pretty much the only social networking site centered around anime that is active by the looks of it. since all of my old friends just come and go. they join, get close, and then deactivate i find myself having to make more friends (which isnt bad tbh). my overall opinion of the site is that its lacking...yeah its a site that works perfectly fine and does its job. but there isnt really much to do here. i felt like if the site was somehow upgraded and received significant changes opposed to its few changes after a month or so it could be an awesome place. it has a ton of potential, we get tons of new members all the time but not alot of those people stay...whether it be its too boring, they cant fit in, cant make friends, or just they were harassed until they just left (which has happened plenty of times) because the ban thing isnt very effective you can be banned and then come back under a new name. the matches arent really effective either...people do find love on here but it isnt always through the match system its just them interacting with people on the forums, for people who arent as spontaneous and funny you can very easily become a ghost on this site. if your here for dating, your not being noticed and ultimately your not finding a partner. it would at least help to have some kind of matching system that goes off of more than just what anime you gave a 10/10. maybe if you take a leap of faith and decide to change these things maybe more people would actually go to premium
Mar 14, 16 at 7:01pm
I came here out of loneliness and I suppose that I'm still lonely in a sense. At this point, I'd say I'm here for shits and giggles/habit. I'd like to think it would be because of at least a friend by now, but it takes a certain kind of person for me to open up enough to call them a friend and I can't honestly say that's the reason why I still lurk around here.
Mar 15, 16 at 12:01am
I often ask myself why I'm still here. I outgrew these narutard style communities a decade ago, and while I expected as much when I joined I figured maybe a few real otaku, neets, hikimori, and so on might drop by here and there but I've come to realize I was probably just expecting too much. One friend of mine found this site on his own not long ago and showed it to me to make fun of it. I introduced another friend to it (only person I've told about this site so far) and he left in a week because of how lame it was, not that I can blame him. I could go on and on and on about the problems with this site, but I'm sure some folk are already feeling sine pain in their rear end as is and are just itching to chew me out for not saying nice things about them and their community. As nice and friendly as people here like to pretend to be, it's kind of amazing how easily offended and quick to anger they are.
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