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Getting to Know You.

On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? - Depends, if friends are free I'll go out otherwise I'll just go for a walk or stay in. Are you a leader or a follower? - I try to be a leader that people can depend on. Whether I'm a good one is a different story. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: - Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for all this blow over. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? - Singing songs regardless whether I'm good or not. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? - My short temper and the dark shade around my eyes. What is the thing you like most about yourself? - How creative I am and my crazy imagination even if my skills to bring my ideas to life are sub-par. Do you like to cook? - Yes, I really enjoy it. If so, what do you make best? - Hmm, I make good spaghetti bolognaise but that's easy. I suppose the traditional English sunday dinner. Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. - Nope, never liked alcohol. I'm willing to try different beverages, there's probably something I'll enjoy. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. - Fanta, I think? Do you smoke? - Nope. Blegh. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? - No. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? - Nah. Winners don't do drugs. If not, have you in the past? - Nope and I'm glad I didn't. How would you describe your political alliance? - I give almost no shits about politics. My family has always been for the labour party however. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? - Nope. I'm internet through and through. Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? - I watch the news but that's about it. Do you have siblings? - Yes; one older brother, one older sister and one younger brother. Do you have pets? - Yep; two cats, four dogs, two bearded dragons and two fish tanks. Do you eat meat? - Yes. I'm a horrible carnivore. Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? - I've graduated from level 3 Creative Media and Higher Education Games Development. Preferred the former. What do you want to be when you grow up? - I have a lot of ideas but I guess an author, actor or radio personality. Fingers crossed. Are you religious/spiritual? No. What faith? None. Do you like art? Yes. List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. H.R. Giger 2. Tsutomu Nihei 3. Clive Barker 4. Jen Zee 5. Adrian Carmack 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. My PC b. My phone c. My clothes d. My wallet e. My 3DS 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? - Fight me 1v1 m8 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? - My phone List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (I've read a good amount but I don't know which to recommend) List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_g4zbwWG_I 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08PszRp2cBg 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDKx1Rp1yAA 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b-7tP7IW5Q 5. Any song by Calvi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eszEJ7nRWXc List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (I don't binge watch. I like to savour my shows) List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Doom 1, 2, 64, 3 and 2016 2. Devil May Cry (all games) 3. Silent Hill (all games) 4. Warframe 5. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 2. Shakugan No Shana 3. Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu 4. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai 5. Welcome to the N.H.K. List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. The Thing 2. Aliens 3. Akira 4. Spirited Away 5. Riki-Oh You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. - A salad with lots of cucumbers. I love cucumbers. Finish the sentence. Gossip is... Stupid. You can never have too much... Happiness. War is a necessary... But only in entertainment. You can't pick and choose your family, but... You can always start your own in the future. Viva la... Something something.
Jun 07, 16 at 8:39pm
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Stay indoors mostly but I like going out too sometimes. Are you a leader or a follower? Follower I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summarize it here: In case of Zombies: 1. The first move, go to the closest place with arms and ammo and load up as much as I can, including knives that I can tuck in places. 2. Then shoot my way to the closest place for food and supplies (Don't forget water and first aid). 3. Then go to the mall and flip it off (fuck the mall) because who goes to a place with masses amount of people in a Zombie Outbreak? This is not a movie. When I am done I go as far away from the city as I can, avoiding any major roads (hopefully collecting survivors on the way). 4. When we reach the woods we search the area for zombies and make then extra dead with bullets then set up camp. 5. From there we build a wall and a town we can live in and go back in groups for supplies and searching for survivors. 6. Build more farms. :P 7. Slowly reduce zombie population and make babies- to increase ours. 8. Eat sushi and tacos. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? I am going to go with Sushi. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? Everything. What is the thing you like most about yourself? Nothing. Do you like to cook? Yes. If so, what do you make best? Water! Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. Yes, Bloody Mary, Cocktails, Margaritas, Mud Slides, Irish Cream, Jager, Jello Shots, Vodka and Pepsi, Blow Job Shot (Yes that is a drink). List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Water Do you smoke? No. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Nope, I don't need any meds, I have anime. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? Never. If not, have you in the past? Tried it once and hated it ever since. How would you describe your political alliance? I vote for tuna. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? Game Informer But I haven't for a long time. Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? No, it is far too depressing. Do you have siblings? Yes, Two brothers (they are twins) and a sister. Do you have pets? Not that I own personally. Do you eat meat? Yes. Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Not currently. What do you want to be when you grow up? Be a ninja. Are you religious/spiritual? More spiritual than religious I think. What faith? Live and let live. Do you like art? Yes. List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. Michael Parkes http://www.theworldofmichaelparkes.com/cm/Home.html 2. Mozart 3. Margaret Keane 4. Leonardo da Vinci 5. Anime 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Clothes b. Drawing Supplies c. Ipad d. Swords and knives e. Snacks 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumbrance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Clothes and Snacks. 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxury item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? Snacks! ^^ List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. People Of The Earth - W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear 2. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is a series by Alvin Schwartz 3. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card 4. Treasure Box - Orson Scott Card 5. Dead Until Dark List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. (I recommend songs based on the person) 1. https://youtu.be/VNdHd1asf9s?list=PLME76N0lcoFA2UDKmX-DXsdC4l-LNawKo 2. Muse - Starlight 3. Lunascape - "Mindstalking" 4. Elysian Fields - When 5. Ninja Sex Party (Just because) List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. American Horror Story 2. In The Flesh 3. Misfits 4. Red Dwarf 5. House List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Dragon Age 2. Skyrim 3. Fallout 4 4. Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines 5. Evil Within List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Naruto 2. Ghost In A Shell (The Orginal Movie) 3. Maid Sama! 4. Amnesia 5. Attack On Titan Too many! List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Little Miss Sunshine 2. Inception 3. Fight Club 4. Amélie (My All Time Favorite Movie) 5. Transcendence You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. Sushi Finish the sentence. Gossip is... for those who don't want to confront their own problems. You can never have too much... love. War is a necessary... in the minds of the ignorance. You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can pick how you live your life. Viva la ... Sushi
-Non work/ school day I prefer going out always enjoy a new adventure XD. -leader or follower: feel that I fit a leader role more - Zombie outbreak : 1) try to contact my family and loved ones but if to far hope for the best for them while I avoid the streets and pick up whatever supplies I can on the way to find a good holding spot ( woods, gun shop, maybe even a homedepopt , just away from major cities) and barricade it 2) hold off for as long as I can with the rations in my holding spot for a couple of days to weeks , after which observe the outside see how bad the situation is. 3) try to find more supplies near by me ( rinse and repeat) 4) after a few months or so head out and seek better housing still avoiding major cities ( so a nomadic form of life lol) - guilty pleasure : hmm my guilty pleasure would have to be I'm into the dominant and submissive role (I'm a Dom ) -thing I hate the most of myself is simply that I am to trusting in a relationship -thing I like most of myself is my stubbornness although it's also a flaw but it's kept me going and following through what I set my mind on -cooking I enjoy lol , mostly cooking sea food but I'm a pretty decent baker as well -alcohol? Well I'm a social drinker in sorts lol but I prefer vodka , tequila , rum , scotch and wine -non alchoholic would be soda ( whenever I can get one lol) or horchata -smoke ? Nope never have - day to day prescription ( medicine wise) nope none at all - illegal substances ? None at all and never tried - political view: don't really care for it but I do share some views with the philosophy of Karl Marx - nope don't read magazines or news paper -siblings : 3 younger sisters -pets: I have two dogs -Eating meat: everyday I need the protein -graduated from college : nope not yet need least bout 4 more years or so - I aim to become a English professor -religion : nope don't follow any in particular but respect everyone's belief -art : yes I enjoy art 1) Van Gogh 2) da Vinci 3) Lorenzo bartolini Don't ask for more cause I forget lol - cruise trip 5 items 1) clothes 2) cellphone 3) sun screen 4) poker cards 5) the prince by Machiavelli -giving up 2 of my cruise items : sun screen and poker cards -ship wreck and luxury item : my book lol -5 books for recommendations 1) the prince by Machiavelli 2) the divine comedy : inferno by Dante 3) pride and prejudice by Jane Austin 4) the great gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald 5) Frankenstein by mary Shelly -5 songs for someone to hear 1) thoughtless by korn 2) feel like I do by drowning pool 3) te extrano by xtreme 4) la vida Es une carnival by Celia Cruz 5) don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmith -5 shows I binged watch lol 1) doctor who 2) supernatural 3) Hannibal 4) House 5) gravity fall -5 animes someone must watch 1) dragon ball z ( the original one lol) 2) one punch man 3) accel world 4) angel beats 5) helsing -5 must see movies 1) mystery men 2) He loves me he loves me not 3) Godzilla 4) schzindlers list 5) boy in the striped pajamas - last meal : sushi , a 16 ounce steak , side of fries with barbeque , rack of ribs, lobster and crabs ( 4 pounds total ) unlimited horchata lol - finish this sentence : Gossip is... For those with to much time in their hands and no decency in keeping a secret or in trying to judge another -You can never have ... To much love and joy -war is necessary ... For those with no intellect who seek to shed blood rather than trying to solve the problem at hand first with words, if must war is used then to cut out those seen as unfit in societies eyes and joined by those who feel they fight for a true purpose . -you can't pick and choose your family ... But you can choose in which path life will take you creating your own fate and in who will stand beside you in the end of the day -viva la ... Vida lol idk XP
lol ahahaha revived this so people who ar ebored can talk bout something else here than anime ahahahaha XD XD
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Stay in Are you a leader or a follower? I'm a loner by nature. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: I make chainmail already so I would make a Titanium chainmail suit, motorcycle helmet. Zombies no longer an issue, look for cute girl to save and repopulate the earth with. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? Loli harem? Or something I actually do? What is the thing you hate most about yourself? That I'm a guy What is the thing you like most about yourself? That I feel free to be myself. Do you like to cook? Some things like meats, pasta, rice and French Toast. If so, what do you make best? French Toast Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. Hardly ever. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Orange juice Do you smoke? Marijuana socially Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? None Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? Sometimes but rarely. If not, have you in the past? Yes How would you describe your political alliance? Politicians are greedy and power hungry so I despise all of them equally. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? Nothing regularly but my favorites are Wired, Bizarre, Gothic Beauty, and Omni (went out of print in '95) Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? Almost everyday Do you have siblings? 2 younger half sisters and a younger half brother Do you have pets? A cat growing up, none now. Do you eat meat? Yes Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? I dropped out, was majoring in Computer Science. What do you want to be when you grow up? A stay at home millionaire Are you religious/spiritual? To a minor degree, I only believe in what I experience personally. What faith? I worship the vagina. 9 months coming out and the rest of my life trying to get back in. Do you like art? Yes. List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. H.R. Giger 2. Salvador Dali 3. Leonardo da Vinci 4. William Shakespeare 5. Michelangelo 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. I would never likely want to go on a cruise but.. a. Books b. Camera c. Multiple changes of clothes d. Passport e. Money 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? My mind 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? Camera (hope it's waterproof) List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse 2. Lolita by Vladimir Nabakov 3. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 4. Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite 5. Belinda by Anne Rice (under her pen name Anne Rampling) List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. White Lion - "When the Children Cry" 2. Emilie Autumn - "Liar" 3. Nirvana - "Lake of Fire" 4. Johnny Cash - "Hurt" 5. Lorena McKennitt - "The Mystics Dream" List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Star Trek (original series) 2. X-Files 3. Lost in Space 4. Californication 5. Breaking Bad List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Elder Scrolls: Morrowind 2. Fallout 3 3. Fable 2 4. Second Life 5. No Man's Sky List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Monogatari series 2. Madoka Magica 3. Higurashi 4. Mirai Nikki 5. Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyn List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. The Crow 2. Requiem for a Dream 3. Donnie Darko 4. Nowhere 5. Leon: The Professional You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. No idea Finish the sentence. Gossip is... Annoying You can never have too much... Sex War is a necessary... Tool to cull the population You can't pick and choose your family, but... You can ignore them Viva la ... Sex
Here I goooooo!!! On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? I'm usually either inside doing ballet exercises or outside practicing ice skating Are you a leader or a follower? Depends??? I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Cry a lot What is your ultimate guity pleasure? Naps in class What is the thing you hate most about yourself? Almost everything!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the thing you like most about yourself? I give really good hugs!!! Do you like to cook? Yes!! If so, what do you make best?desserts and sweet foods!! Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. Nope List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Pomegranates juice!! Do you smoke? No,smoking reminds me of a terrible person so I try to avoids it Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Yup, it's for my anxiety and depression,and another one for my panic disorder Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? Nope If not, have you in the past? Nope How would you describe your political alliance? Nonexistent Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? None really;-; Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? Not really;-; the news is too depressing;-; Do you have siblings? I have two sisters !!! Do you have pets? I have a dog,two bunnies,a fish,and a hermit crab. Do you eat meat? Nope!!!!! Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Yeah!! Actually I don't know ;-; What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy and safe and in love!!! Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? I don't really know Do you like art? List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. Rally every art price I see inspires me 2. But kyra kupetsky's work is awesome 3. Mu best freinds!!! 4. Meep morps 5.my freind Jessie and my other freind jess inspire me the most 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Lots of my clothes b. Stuffed animals c. Books d. My art supplies e. Music player 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Music player,art supplies ;-; 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? Books!! List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. I can never remover titles sorry;-; 2. Bone gulch 3. Harry Potter series 4. All of Jane Austen's books 5.alice in wonderland List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Winter Bird by Aurora 2. Beatrix Runs by Elizabeta 3. Tourner dans la vide by India 4. Anything by Edith Piaf 5. Todella kaunis by zen cafe List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Any cooking show 2. ???? 3. !!!??!???? 4. !!??:)2):??! 5.?/)/6/&;?;&/&:!:)3$2!@-@:, List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Child of light 2. Overwatch 3. I don't play lots of video games ;-; 4. Abzu 5. List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. THE ENTIRE SAILOR MOON SERIES 2. Madoka magica 3. Any studio ghibli movie 4. Tomako market 5. Yuri on Ice List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. World of tomorrow 2. Amelie 3. Ernest et Celestine 4. Le Guerre du button 5.jack et le machanique du cœur You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. Strawberry cake!!!!and some other tasty stuffs Finish the sentence. Gossip is mean and hurtful You can never have too much cute!! War is a necessary evil ;-; You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can love them no matter what? Viva la REVOLUTION
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? I usually prefer to stay in to relax, but if is totally non work then I would go out to chill. Are you a leader or a follower? Leader I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Just go back to the country side and do what I have known to do. Be a farmer xD What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? Eating a whole pizza. I have only done it once, but I felt super guilty on doing it. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? That sometimes I speak too much. What is the thing you like most about yourself? The scars on my hands, I dont know they are a nice reminder of how life is fun. Do you like to cook? I love to cook. If so, what do you make best? Fried rice with chicken. Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. I dont drink, monk stuff. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Lemonade Do you smoke? Nope, again, monk stuff. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Got none Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? Nope If not, have you in the past? Nope How would you describe your political alliance? I dont really see myself in a political alliance Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? I read National Geographic, and I used to follow a magazine that was printed here of accounting. Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? I try to read the newspaper daily or at least every 2 days if Im too busy Do you have siblings? a sister and a brother. Do you have pets? 4 turtles, 2 dogs, a little brother xD Do you eat meat? Yep Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? I have graduated, Im a public accountant and Im working as a teacher. What do you want to be when you grow up? I already grew up, and Im a teacher, so I made it! Are you religious/spiritual? Im spiritual. I like to believe theres something else. What faith? Do you like art? I like art but Im bad at names 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. My staff (My knee is okay, but it never hurts to have it with me) b My laptop, I would enjoy to keep writing c. My clothes xD d. My notebook e. a good book 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? book and notebook 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? My staff List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. Don Quijote de la Mancha (Miguel de Cervantes) 2. Sherlock Holmes 3. Psicoanalista John Katzenbach List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Dark Cloud 2. Silent hill 3. Final Fantasy Tactics 4. Jak and Daxter 5.Devil May Cry List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. XXX Holic 2. Mushishi 3. Kimi No Tabi 4. Sakura Card Captor 5.Gundam Wing List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. The last Samurai 2. Artificial Intelligence You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. Chinese food, simple as that Finish the sentence. Gossip is...boring You can never have too much...fun War is a necessary...evil You can't pick and choose your family, but...you can choose to enjoy it Viva la ...vida
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Prefer to stay in most of the time, but if friends want to go out, I'm always in. Are you a leader or a follower? Follower but I can lead if I have to. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Become a lone scavenger, constantly moving from area to area, trying to avoid any conflict with zombies and/or other survivors. After any scuffle, I go and take what I can and move on to the next area. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? Having and eating an entire pizza pie to myself. I've done it multiple times and I always feel guilty afterwards XD What is the thing you hate most about yourself? That I trust people way too much, and that I can be too nice and passive. What is the thing you like most about yourself? How optimistic I can be, despite the most depressing of situations :D Do you like to cook? Sometimes If so, what do you make best? Blueberry Pancakes Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. No, even when I turn 21, I don't like it. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Fruit Punch Do you smoke? No and most likely never will Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Nope! Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? No If not, have you in the past? Never How would you describe your political alliance? I never really cared but I would most likely be under the Democratic Party Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? Game Informer, Nintendo Power, National Geographic on occasion Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? I always try to read what's happening in the world. I read the New York Times and Daily News, but don't watch any news programs. Do you have siblings? No, only child all my life Do you have pets? Currently no, but I used to have three pet fishes in my house. Do you eat meat? Yes Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? I do plan on graduating college with a degree in Computer Programming. Currently a sophomore in college. What do you want to be when you grow up? Video Game Programmer/Designer. Are you religious/spiritual? I am more spiritual than religious What faith? Do you like art? Yes, but currently can't remember my favorite pieces Dx 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. My Phone (So People Can Contact Me) b. My 3DS ( I need my daily dose of Fire Emblem, Pokemon and Smash XD) c. Laptop d. Pocket Knife (Hey you never know) e. Some Books 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Books and Laptop 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxury item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? Pocket Knife List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. Ready Player One 2. Harry Potter Series, J.K Rowling 3. Days Of Infamy 4. Helter Skelter 5. A Tale For The Time Being, Ruth Ozeki List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Just A Dream 2. Angel With A Shotgun 3. Road To Zanarkand/Aquarium Park 4. Cancioncitas De Amor 5. Goodbye Agnoy List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Chicago Code 2. Touch (Don't let the name turn you off XD, it's a good show) 3. Avatar The Last Airbender 4. The Arrow List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Dark Souls 1/ Bloodborne 2. Super Mario Galaxy 3. Resident Evil 4 4. Final Fantasy X 5.Xenoblade Chronicles List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni and Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai 2. My Hero Academia 3. Death Parade 4. Bartender 5.Psycho Pass List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Avengers 2. Akira 3. Spirited Away 4. Shawshank Redemption 5. Breakfast Club You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. A large pizza pie with extra cheese Finish the sentence. Gossip is... made by people who desire attention You can never have too many... friends in your life War is a necessary... practice for peace You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can learn to live and love them Viva la ... vida ahora!
Nov 03, 16 at 9:57pm
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Stay in Are you a leader or a follower? Follower I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: If I decide that you're useful you're with me. But, feelings no longer mean what they used to. If I find out you're infected I'll wish you a good death and shoot you in the head. Period. If you wish to do it yourself I'll honor that out of respect. In return I expect you to let me take myself out if I get infected. There's no time to go looking for a cure. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? Hentai doujin What is the thing you hate most about yourself? I was honest about that last question. What is the thing you like most about yourself? No idea Do you like to cook? No If so, what do you make best? N/A Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. No. I hate it. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Root Beer Do you smoke? No Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? No Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? No If not, have you in the past? No How would you describe your political alliance? Politicians are assholes Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? No Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? No Do you have siblings? Yes. 5 Do you have pets? No Do you eat meat? All the time Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Planning on it What do you want to be when you grow up? Not poor Are you religious/spiritual? I respect those who are but, fuck that shit What faith? N/A Do you like art? Love it List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. X 2. X 3. I like art in general. I don't follow specific artists or works. 4. X 5. X 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. X b. X c. I wouldn't go on a cruise. I hate any body of water bigger than a hot spring. I have a fear that I'm constantly in danger of drowning horribly when I go out in water. d. X e. X 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Myself. I don't even wanna go on a cruise. I'm just going back home. 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? My sanity. List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. X 2. X 3. I haven't read a legit book that wasn't an online manga in a while. So, N/A. 4. X 5. X List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Korn - Good God 2. Slipknot - Vermillion Part 2 3. Korn - Freak on a Leash 4. Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams(are made of this) 5. System of a Down - Aerials List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Highschool DxD 2. To Love-Ru 3. Ink Master 4. Face Off 5. Those are the only shows I continuously watch List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind 2. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 3. Fallout: New Vegas 4. Call of Duty: Black Ops 5. Kingdom Hearts 2 List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Highschool DxD 2. To Love-Ru 3. Danganronpa 4. Hellsing + Hellsing Ultimate 5. Bleach List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Any of the Predator movies 2. Any of the Alien movies 3. Any of the Terminator movies 4. Apocalypse Now 5. Deadpool You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. A bounty of seafood and red meat. I would tell them to provide me with all kinds of dips and sauces and cook the red meat with a good amount of blood in it. Then I'd eat it all like an uncivilized starving pig. Then I'd have them bring me a round of all the junk food (Chips, Cakes, Pies, Candy, Pastries) they could find and dump it out on the table and have them give me a morphine shot ahead of time. Then I'd eat it all piece by piece until I had a heart attack and I'd stick out my middle finger and shout FUCK YOU WORLD! until I kicked the bucket. Finish the sentence. Gossip is... cancer. You can never have too much... sexy women. War is a necessary... when some fucker steals your sandwich. You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can complain about them. Viva la ... mierda al azar.
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Honestly it depends on my mood, but I also don't like being at home too much either, so I'm more likely wanting to go out and do something. Are you a leader or a follower? I act like a leader, but have more qualities of a follower tbh I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summarize it here: Find people who are bad asses and basically follow the shit outta them xD What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? Reality shows... I know.. I'm such trash, its a heavy cross I carry.. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? I'm very inconsistent (-__-)' What is the thing you like most about yourself? Mmm good question :T ... I mean, sometimes I'm funny. Do you like to cook? If so, what do you make best? I mean I don't mind cooking, but I make pretty bomb sugar cookies, like my only bragging right. Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. Yea, but only for some occasions, mostly holidays, I like whatever is fruity :3 List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Juice in a box <3 Do you smoke? Cigarettes? Nah. Weed? Occasionally >..> Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Allergy pills, thats about it. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? ssuuurrreeee If not, have you in the past? In all honesty, I stay away from harsh shit, weed is as intense as I ever gotten How would you describe your political alliance? *shrugs* Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? Um not really tbh Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? Rarely, more like whenever my moms watching it xD Do you have siblings? One older brother, he's cool. Do you have pets? A poodle names Theodore <3 Do you eat meat? No, vegetarian mmmaannnnnnn <3 Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Up in the clouds for the time being What do you want to be when you grow up? Actress, screen writer, kinda thought voice acting is cool, idk, hopefully something artistic, I love art <3 Are you religious/spiritual? Yes What faith? Agnostic at the moment Do you like art? Y E S, majorly List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. Will Smith (in an acting art perspective) 2. Arina Tanemura (her manga art is gorgeous!) 3. Phildel (her music style and lyrics speak to me, its beautiful) 4. Camilla d’Errico, her art is B E A U T I F U L ; u ; 5. My brother (I know this is corny and cheesy but I really admire my brother's art style and story telling, I know bias coming from me :b) 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Phone (because I'm basic xD) b. Allergy pills, because I'm a nerd who would die without them :b lol c. Laptop, just in case I have writing inspirations d. Company, because its better to experience fun things with people you know, ya know? e. My 3DS so I can check on my animal crossing... xD 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. Forsaken Dreamscape - Lani Lenore, Its basically a dark retelling of Peter Pan, I suck at describing but like its SSOOOO good, you gotta check it out. 2. Black Comix: African American Independent Comics, Art and Culture - This one is by multiple indie african american artisits 3. The Power of Myth - Joesph Campbell, it was a required read in art school, but I ended up liking it, it opened my mind as an artist 4. Tanpopo - Camilla d’Errico, the art style is amazing and the story is adorable but twisted I love it! ; u ; 5. Naughts and Crosses - Malorie Blackman List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJWXDmXOdDg 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CghQKrk0hWM 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjy_MDGv1A4 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m67rRZUO1do 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJl2-Rh37Mg List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Game of Thrones 2. Modern Family 3. Brooklyn nighty-nine 4. American Horror Story 5. Any 90's anime List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Any of the Smash Bros games 2. Animal Crossing 3. Fire Emblem (awakening and fates) 4. Mario Kart 5. Brawlahala List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. High School Rumble 2. Hourou Musuko 3. Mob Psycho 100 4. Ore Monogatari!! 5. Ranma 1/2 List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Big Fish 2. Hick 3. I Believe in Unicorns 4. A Single Man 5. American Beauty You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. I know I said I'm vegetarian, but if its gonna be my last meal, FUCK IT, gonna eat some beef posole and frybread, that shit used to be my favorite food but sadly its not good in the vegetarian version xD Finish the sentence. Gossip is... dangerous. You can never have too much... carbs :D War is a necessary... thing to avoid. You can't pick and choose your family, but... thank god you can choose to chill with, lol. Viva la ... FRANCE!
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