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Getting to Know You.

Jun 03, 16 at 1:17pm
heres the siru getting to know you http://maiotaku.com/mytopics/331/mytopics/28660
*On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? It depends on who's asking me out. And also on whether I'm finishing a really good book or game. *Are you a leader or a follower? I'm more like the person behind the leader. The ideas and strategies come from me, but I prefer not to get the blame nor the credit. So, what am I (besides Machiavellian)? *I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summarize it here. Coordinate with the navy and the marines. Secure the strongest and biggest ship they have at their disposal and stock up on food and weapons. Go to the middle of the ocean and stay there. Make sure you have eyes on every side and leave no room for blind spots. Make the most of your height and scaling advantage to easily spot and kill swimming zombies. Prepare for the possibility that this could be a long-term or permanent set-up by telling the people on the ship to stay vigilant and save rations. *What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? I like listening to Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber when I'm close to beating a deadline. Their songs energize me in the weirdest way possible. I actually know all the songs in Taylor's "Speak Now" and Bieber's "My World 2.0" albums by heart, haha! *What is the thing you hate most about yourself? I have severe Napoleon complex and annoying perfectionist tendencies. I can nitpick the crap out of anything if the (wrong) mood strikes. *What is the thing you like most about yourself? I'm the most non-judgemental person I know. I swear, I can do a candid interview with a death row inmate and he/she would feel at ease with me because I pass no judgement until much later. *Do you like to cook? If so, what do you make best? Yeah, I cook when I have the time. I make a mean vegetable casserole and vegetable stew. My vegetarian and vegan friends love me to bits! *Do you drink alcohol? If so, list your favorite beverage. Not so much, just the celebratory single-malt scotch with family once or twice a year. *List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Sparkling water and tonic water. *Do you smoke? Never, but I am weirdly addicted to the smell of cigar and cigar smoke. I could spend a whole afternoon with my dad at a cigar store and just sniff away and I'll be super happy! *Do you have day-to-day prescription medication? Care to say for what? None. *Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? If not, have you in the past? Nope, I don't. Back in college, however, I have this super "hippie" friend who promoted hemp and marijuana as the natural cure-alls for everything. He lectures us every time about the differences between species and strains as well as various preparation and intake methods. I was genuinely interested in it, so I know a lot about marijuana strains, thanks to him. And yeah, I ate a lot of happy brownies and cookies in the process. *How would you describe your political alliance? Center-left. *Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? Like physical magazines? Not really. But I do go to Monocle magazine's website every so often. *Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? Yes, I keep in touch with the news every day. I go to BBC, Al Jazeera, and local news websites of the Philippines and whichever country I'm living/working in at the moment. *Do you have siblings? None. *Do you have pets? Yes! I have six dogs and I love them more than anything and anyone in the world! *Do you eat meat? Yes, but I go vegetarian for one whole month every year in support of my vegetarian and vegan friends. *Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Yup, and I'm close to completing my second master's degree. I'm looking at a PhD in the near future, too. *What do you want to be when you grow up? A prima ballerina or a professional search and rescue diver for the military. I'm kind of halfway there with the second one! *Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? Nope. I only believe in humanity and the power of the human will. *Do you like art? List 5 artists or artworks that inspire you. Yes, I love art! Various mediums mean a more diverse selection of artists. 1) Alphonse Mucha 2) Marina Abramovic 3) Juan Luna 4) Audrey Kawasaki 5) Bill Cunningham *You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. This is assuming that everything is all paid for and all my basic needs will be provided, right? 1) Rash guard 2) Snorkel 3) Mask 4) Fins 5) Kindle *You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? 1) Kindle 2) Fins *The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxury item you brought with you that you couldn't make it without. What is it? 1) Mask *List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want. Oh wow, this is like asking someone who their favorite child (or worse, PET) is! I would love to recommend a lot of works written by Filipino authors, but to stick to the multi-cultural theme of this website, I won't. 1) The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs 2) The Secret History by Donna Tartt 3) Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond 4) Sentimental Education by Gustave Flaubert (this book broke and unraveled me in more ways than one) 5) The Road to Reality by Roger Penrose *List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1) Opus #74 by Chopin (and all four of Chopin's Ballades) 2) It Never Happened by The National 3) Hey Jupiter by Tori Amos 4) Something by The Beatles 5) A Case of You by Joni Mitchell *List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. I'm not very couch potato-ey, but I binge watch documentaries every now and then. 1) Dog Whisperer 2) Blue Planet 3) Michael Palin's Pole to Pole 4) Tea Trail/Coffee Trail with Simon Reeve 5) Simon Reeve's Places That Don't Exist *List 5 video games you would recommend someone play. 1) Battle Realms (and Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf) 2) Neverwinter Nights 3) Battle Arena Toshinden 4) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 5) Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc *List 5 anime you would tell someone they must see. 1) Monster 2) Code Geass 1 and 2 3) Cowboy Bebop 4) Samurai Champloo 5) Ranma 1/2 *List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. Again, I would love to recommend top-notch Filipino and Asian films and filmmakers here, but to stay safe, I'll go with what everyone knows aka Hollywood! 1) The Sound of Music 2) American History X 3) The Big Lebowski 4) All about Eve 5) Strangers on a Train *You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. A buffet of my favorite Filipino dishes that I barely get to eat even now: Sinigang, Tinola, Afritada, Mechado, Adobo, etc. *Finish the sentence. 1) Gossip is necessary for bored people. 2) You can never have too many puppies. 3) War is a necessary business venture for idiots. 4) You can't pick and choose your family, but you can choose how many dogs to have. 5) Viva la boheme! *cue in lots of dancing on table tops a la "Rent"*
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Stay in usually but there are spontaneous times that i'm just like "I NeeD TO Be OUT." Are you a leader or a follower? I'm a leader when it comes to my friends, others well I don't really care. Can't say i'm a follower, more like a drifter. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Film plot: My body contains the antidote, I will hug all the zombies and cure them. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? When I got things to do, but I buy enough snacks for a village and marathon a anime/show or movie. :3 What is the thing you hate most about yourself? My anxiety, and how it affects other people around me What is the thing you like most about yourself? I'm pretty approachable? I can make people laugh...at times. Do you like to cook? More so these years, i like to follow recipes and then experiment cuz i don't follow to the tea. If so, what do you make best? Well I make fancy dinners too but my best is my special stir fried instant noodle. My friends come over to eat it all the time even doe its so unhealthy. I add an egg, green onions and some nori on top with sriracha and voila people would sell their souls for it. XD I wont say what i do with the noodles, my secret. :3 Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. I don't really, my friends are pretty conservative or their livers are busted lol, but i like to drink some soju or makgeolli with my friends who can drink. :P List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. too many i already listed, but aloe vera water, calpicos, milk coffee can (special brand), banana milk and lychee boba Do you smoke? like snoop dogg would B) jks nah ive been around smokers doe :P i dont like the smell of tobbaco. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Nope im high off of life Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? The only thing illegal is me B) If not, have you in the past? me, but no How would you describe your political alliance? Left wing in canada but idk anymore Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? Art magazines? Like BooooM Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? I get newspaper to do sudokus but i sit down and watch the news from time to time with friends and family. Do you have siblings? 1 sibling, 1 half sibling and 1 step sibling. I got it all yo B) collect them like pokemons. Do you have pets? I killed 19 goldfish, don't give me a pet but I sure wish I did. Do you eat meat? Everyday if I could, but meat is expensive ;-; Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? I'm only in second year of uni What do you want to be when you grow up? Film Animator for either nickelodeon, cartoonnetwork or an actual film studio. Are you religious/spiritual? No, i'm agnostic atm What faith? I believe in me like naruto would. Do you like art? List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. James Jean 2. Little Thunder 3. Audrey Kawasaki 4. Takashi Murakami 5. Hikari Shimoda 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. phone/charger b. unlimited food c. laptop filled with games and movies d. 3ds e. some cool pet to join the fun 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? My pet, jks. Uhhhhh my phone and 3ds ;-; 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? MY PET List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery 2. Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell 3. Starting Point - Hayao Miyazaki (like a collection of interviews and things he wrote) 4. Vitamin D : New Perspectives in Drawing and Vitamin D2 (more of an art collection book) 5. The Book Thief - Markus Zusak List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (everyone heard of this doe) 2. Goodbye To A New World by Porter Robinson 3. Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz 4. Yangwha Bridge - Zion T 5. Space Jam Theme Song List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Parks and Rec UGH 2. Scrubs 3. Sens8 4. Avatar/Korra 5. Steven Universe List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Undertale 2. Fire Emblem Awakening 3. Pokemon (blue/red or soulsilver) 4. The World Ends With You 5. The Last Of Us List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Kill La Kill 2. Hunter X Hunter (2011) 3. Cowboy Bebop 4. FMA brotherhood 5. Princess Jellyfish List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Leon the Professional 2. Pulp Fiction 3. Little Miss Sunshine 4. The Silence of The Lambs 5. Amelie also every ghibli movie, mamoru hosoda and TOKYO GODFATHERS You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. I better have edible gold. I want to eat at least 10k$ worth of food on a plate and it's delicious af. Finish the sentence. Gossip is...lame but i fall for it You can never have too much...food, pls buy me groceries War is a necessary...nothing, let's all eat together in peace You can't pick and choose your family, but...yes i can, I love my baby brother. BIAS af. Viva la ...VIDA LOCAAAAA http://d2tq98mqfjyz2l.cloudfront.net/image_cache/1413683259634496.png
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? It depends on if I'm with friends or not, if I'm alone I just like to stay home. Are you a leader or a follower? Kinda hard to tell, I kinda drift though. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Go into a Walmart, break the glass to the guns, force all the stupid people out of the store to get eaten by the zombies, lock the store down, eat all the perishable food first, save the canned food for last, and make sure I have plenty of drinking water. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? That's a secret :P What is the thing you hate most about yourself? Outside of the internet I'm not very likable. What is the thing you like most about yourself? My compassion for others. Do you like to cook? No If so, what do you make best? Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. I have drank alcohol before, but I can handle the strong stuff. I just like fruity drinks like margaritas or Mika's Hard Black Cherry Lemonade. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Root Beer Do you smoke? No Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? No Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? No If not, have you in the past? No How would you describe your political alliance? Never trust a politician. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? No Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? No Do you have siblings? Yes, one brother and one sister. Do you have pets? No Do you eat meat? Yes Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? No What do you want to be when you grow up? Ruler of all things cute. Are you religious/spiritual? No What faith? Do you like art? Yeah, but I'm not hardcore in knowing a bunch of works outside of anime so I'm going to leave it blank. List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Access to internet b. Some sort of computer c. Waifu Pillow d. Plushies e. Snacks 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Snacks, and the some sort of computer because I brought 2 computers with me. :P 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? The Waifu Pillow List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: Too lazy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. Once again, too lazy right now 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. Eh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: Do I have to? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. Fine 1. I only recently got into it, but JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2. Lucky Star 3. Nichijou 4. Magi 5. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. Getting tired of lists... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. I didn't eat it, instead I made a creepy face with it as I dug to freedom using the utensils needed to eat the meal with it. Finish the sentence. Gossip is... Stupid You can never have too much... Waifus War is a necessary... excuse for political bigots to have all the greed they want. You can't pick and choose your family, but... you can hug a complete stranger who is in cosplay Viva la ... Boom Boom Blamey Blow!
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On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? -I prefer to stay in most of the time, but if a friend would ask me out, I have no problem going out. Are you a leader or a follower? -I personally think I'm both. I lead when I want to, I follow when I NEED to I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: -Actually I don't have one. I'd probably be killed by the zombies or I'd blow my own brains out after a while. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? -I probably have one, but I can't think of one at the moment. Most of my pleasures aren't something I feel guilty about at all. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? -Overthinking/worrying, impatient What is the thing you like most about yourself? -Creativity, Wisdom Do you like to cook? If so, what do you make best? -I don't dislike it, but I don't really love it either. It can be enjoyable. Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage -I drink alcohol twice a month or less. I prefer heavy(sweet)special beers. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. -Fresh mint tea Do you smoke? -No, I smoked for about 3 years, but I quit almost 2 years ago Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? -No, I used to, but not anymore. It was for my bladder(I urinated in my sleep)and I had laxatives for my intestines. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? -Not at this moment, no If not, have you in the past? -I smoked some marijuana a few times, and I'd do it again if my body wasn't so sensitive to it. I tried a pill once in my life, but never again. It was really boring How would you describe your political alliance? -I know it sounds stupid to say that I have no interest in politics, because it can decide a lot for my future, but I'm just too busy with myself at this time, that I can't be bothered to think about it Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? -Nope Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? -Maybe once every few weeks I pick one up Do you have siblings? -Yes, 2. A sister, who's 23 and a little brother of 6 Do you have pets? -I don't have pets at home Do you eat meat? -Yes, I do. I try to not eat it more than 3 times a week though. Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? -Nope, not yet, I still study What do you want to be when you grow up? -I want to become a film director Are you religious/spiritual? What faith? -No, I'm not, but there's one ''religion'' that I agree with on a lot of points and that is LaVeyan/Atheistic Satanism Do you like art? List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. -Define art, a lot of things are considered art. But no, I don't really have any artists that inspire me. 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Books that I haven't read yet b. My laptop and all things that belong with it(mouse, headphones, charger) c. Lots of emergency water d. Clean clothes e. Body soap, shampoo and necessary body creams 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? -Clean clothes, body soap and all that stuff 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? -Emergency water I guess. My laptop and books wouldn't survive the water. List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. A Song Of Ice And Fire(George R.R Martin) 2. The Harry Potter books(J.K Rowling) 3. The Satanic Bible(Anton LaVey) List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Ghost-Year Zero 2. The Prodigy-Invaders Must Die 3. Babymetal-Iine 4. Stromae-Ta Fete 5. Something like Mozart or Van Beethoven and not just parts, listen to the whole thing List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Breaking Bad 2. Hannibal Can't remember any more List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Kingdom Hearts 2. Assassin's Creed II 3. Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time 4. Undertale 5. Portal 2 List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Mirai Nikki 2. Steins;Gate 3. Death Note 4. Btooom! 5. One Punch Man You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. - Finish the sentence. Gossip is something that can be avoided, be dead honest to the person You can never have too much... -There is nothing that you can't have too much about. Too much is too much. War is a necessary -It's not, it's not necessary at all, but people are retarded. You can't pick and choose your family, but if I could I would have had almost the same family. Viva la Me, Myself and I
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? - Staying in definitely .. too many plebs hanging around for my liking.. Are you a leader or a follower? - I would say that i'm a natural leader that's very shy so the two tend to conflict when i'm put in charge :P I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: - Vodka, Doughnuts & 9mm to the forehead.. 'nuff said.. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? - Hmm... gotta be my secret stash of Snicker Bars hidden under my desk right now... one moment.. *Nom Nom Nom*.. ah.. next question.. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? - My Ugly mug of a face.. What is the thing you like most about yourself? - I have quite a deep British Accent and a large amount of foreign girls find it attractive.. then they see my face and instantly have second thoughts.. Do you like to cook? - I love to cook. If so, what do you make best? - My Carbonara has put a smile on my friends faces many a time after a long day outside during a British Summer (So raining almost non-stop without a touch of sunshine..) Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. - We're gonna be here for a while.... ah, i'll just limit it to 3.. 1) Thunder Toffee Vodka 2) Rattler Pear Cider 3) WKD Brazilian List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. - Any kind of Lemonade. Do you smoke? - Nope. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? - I used to have quite severe asthma as a child but it's been 7 years since i've needed my inhaler. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? - Nope If not, have you in the past? -Nope How would you describe your political alliance? - Eh... Politics... effort.. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? - White Dwarf Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? - I watch the news almost every morning and evening. Do you have siblings? - 1 older Brother, 1 older Half-Brother & 1 older-Half Sister. Do you have pets? - Gemma, Cockle-Spaniel & Jimmy, 100 and something old tortoise. Do you eat meat? - I do fairly regularly, I know people say eating too much meat is bad for you but at least i'll die happy ;) Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? - Doing my last year of free college.. I am considering going to Uni. What do you want to be when you grow up? - I'm planning on enlisting within the Royal Armoured Corps as a Armoured Cavalry Crewman. Are you religious/spiritual? - Nope. What faith? - None. Do you like art? - Not really.. I don't mean that I don't like art.. just that i'm not overly bothered by any. List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. Eh.. 2. Umm.. 3. *Confused face* 4. What's his name.. 5. Banksy 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Lots of money for drinks ;) b. Sun-Glasses to hide away c. A Good book to lose myself in d. My phone with all my favorite tunes e. Plenty of clean water just in case anything happens.. 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumbrance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? - My Book & my sun-glasses 3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxury item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? - My Book! ^_^ List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. Iron Elves Trilogy by Chris Evans 2. "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" by Harlan Ellison 3. Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J. R. R. Tolkien 4. Blood Ravens: The Dawn of War Omnibus by Cassern S. Goto 5. Turning Point: 1997-2008 by Hayao Miyazaki List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Panda Eyes - ILY 2. Feint - We won't be alone 3. Illenium - Fortress 4. Ravel Nightstar - The Drums and Bass of Flower Bless 5. Madeon - You're On List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Blue-stone 42 2. Top Gear 3. Video Game Nation 4. Pointless 5. Hairy Bikers List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Beyond Good & Evil 2. Warthunder 3. Arma 3 4. Valkyria Chronicles 5. This war of mine List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Anything by Studio Ghibli! ^_^ 2. GATE 3. Lovely Complex 4. ToraDora 5. Black Lagoon List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. I'm not a huge film fan.. so i'll skip this.. 2. 3. 4. 5. You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ Finish the sentence: Gossip is... arousing You can never have too much... Chocolate War is a necessary... for peace You can't pick and choose your family, but... I would Viva la ... Snickers Bar
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Stay in, I don't like my city in night time much. Are you a leader or a follower? More like a follower. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: Stay in the house, trust no one, zombies are bad enough but bad people are far more worst. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? I actually like people I hate suffering. Ah bad me... What is the thing you hate most about yourself? My introverted habit is too much. What is the thing you like most about yourself? Having a carefree mind everytimes, I give no fuck at everything in short. Do you like to cook?  If so, what do you make best? I like cooking Ramen/Udon, since I can add anything in it. lol Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. Yes,but I've no favorite. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Tea and coffee are the best. Do you smoke? No Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Yes, I took a pill for my anemia everyday. Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? No If not, have you in the past? No How would you describe your political alliance? I never vote for anyone since I know what waiting in the end. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? A local anime magazine. lol Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? Yes, everytimes a newspaper is on the table. Do you have siblings? Yes, 3 brothers Do you have pets? Yes, a dog. Do you eat meat? Yes Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? I'm currently study Japanese in college. What do you want to be when you grow up? Illustrator or fashion designer Are you religious/spiritual?  What faith? I'm Buddhist by birth. Do you like art?  List 5 artists or art works that inspire you.  1. Michealangelo for David. Lol 2. Davinci Below are illustrators 3. As109 4. Narduck 5. Sakizo 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you.  a. clothes b. my phone and charger c. sketch book d. drawing supplies e. camera 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? Camera, and sketch book since I can use any paper.   3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? My clothes, well at this rate the other things would sunk, but clothes not. List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want:  1. A song of ice and fire series 2. The lord of the ring and The hobbit. 3. Stephen King's books. The other probably manga and novels List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once.  1. Sound Horizon's songs 2. Shikisai - Maaya Sakamoto 3. Love live's songs 4. Dear - Hatsune Miku 5. Nicki Minaj's Anaconda with MV. Lol List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are.  1. Hannibal 2. Merlin 3. Game of thrones 4. CSI,NCIS 5. Walking Dead List 5 video games you would recommend someone play:  1. Bravely Default 2. Souls series and Bloodborne 3. Pokemon 4. Amnesia 5. Metal gear List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see.  1. Anohana 2. Evangelion 3. Maou to Yuusha 4. Love Live 5. The IDOLM@STER List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see.  1. Greenmile 2. The Terminal 3. Shawshank Redemption 4. Forrest Grump 5. Dark knight series You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. A hot delicious Ramen Finish the sentence. Gossip is my hobby. hehe You can never have too much bacons. War is a necessary for those who seek a power under hundreds of corpses You can't pick and choose your family, but you can make a better one Viva la France Long text...
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? Usually I prefer to stay in. Are you a leader or a follower? Depends on the situation. If someone else takes the lead, that's fine by me. But if no one's offering to lead or it's something I'm really passionate about, I'll lead. I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: I'm gonna run over to George A. Romero's house. The guy's been making zombie movies for decades. If anyone has a plan/the best anti-zombie weapons it's that guy. What is your ultimate guity pleasure? Banana cake. I know I shouldn't eat more than a slice or two but I will demolish an entire pan of banana cake if you set it in front of me. What is the thing you hate most about yourself? I procrastinate quite a bit. Not a good thing at all. What is the thing you like most about yourself? My creativity. Lot of fun making up stories/worlds/characters/etc. Even more fun seeing other people enjoy what you make. Wouldn't be possible if I didn't have at least an ounce of creativity. But that has been one of my greatest joys in life. Do you like to cook? I don't cook much, but I do enjoy cooking quite a bit when I do. Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. Nope. List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. Does water count? Lol. Do you smoke? Never smoked. Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? Yeah, I take meds for a weird kind of epilepsy (I don't have seizures from flashing lights, I just randomly get them while I sleep). Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? Nope. If not, have you in the past? Nope. How would you describe your political alliance? Let me get back to you on that after this election. Lol. Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? I skim magazines sometimes when I'm bored. Just stuff like Entertainment Weekly though. Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? Nope, get all my news online. Do you have siblings? One brother. Do you have pets? Two cats. Do you eat meat? I love meat! Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? Nope, plan to graduate in about a year, though. What do you want to be when you grow up? QA Analyst Are you religious/spiritual? Nope, I consider myself an apatheist. Do you like art? Oh, absolutely. List 5 artists or art works that inspire you. 1. The Calling of Saint Matthew by Caravaggio 2. Tribute Money by Masaccio 3. The Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David 4. The Night Watch by Rembrandt 5. Pietà by Michelangelo 1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you. a. Water b. Rations c. Life Vest d. Swiss Army Knife e. Books 2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? The books and the swiss army knife. List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want: 1. The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer 2. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie 3. A Storm of Swords by George RR Martin 4. 11/22/63 by Stephen King 5. I Am Legend by Richard Matheson List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once. 1. Hopes and Dreams by Toby Fox 2. Empire Ants by Gorillaz 3. lastendconductor by zts 4. Serpent Eating the Ground by Revo 5. Melody of Water is the Guide in Spiritual Mist by Motoi Sakuraba List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are. 1. Breaking Bad 2. Game of Thrones 3. Simpsons (Seasons 1-10) 4. Futurama (Seasons 1-4) 5. Doctor Who List 5 video games you would recommend someone play: 1. Undertale 2. Bloodborne 3. The World Ends With You 4. Mother 3 5. Resident Evil 4 List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see. 1. Mawaru Penguindrum 2. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 3. Jojo (Part 2) 4. Steins;Gate 5. Cowboy Bebop List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see. 1. Kill Bill 2. Django Unchained 3. Spirited Away 4. Howl's Moving Castle 5. Memento You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. Just give me a big bowl of macaroni and cheese. That'll do. Finish the sentence. Gossip is not something we should take pleasure in. You can never have too much meat on a pizza. War is a necessary tool for those in power, apparently. You can't pick and choose your family, but you can pick and choose your friends, and good friends are family. Viva la paz.
Jun 05, 16 at 10:46am
Well, hey, this seems kinda' fun; and I'm bored, so... [On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in?] - I usually stay in, although that's kind of a recent development. I used to love going out all the time. [Are you a leader or a follower?] - I would say that I'm neither. I don't blindly follow, but I also don't like to take the reigns if I can help it; though I will when needed (it just stresses me out). [I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here:] - Find the nearest military base to hole up with and assume it'll all be over in just a few days. I mean, unless they're zombies that can run or use firearms, they're gonna' get blown away pretty quickly. [What is your ultimate guity pleasure?] - Anime porn. Just to give a straight answer. [What is the thing you hate most about yourself?] - My genetic material. I was not blessed with the bishy gene. :P [What is the thing you like most about yourself?] - My ability to sing (although it may be deteriorating, I'm sad to say). [Do you like to cook?] - In some ways, but I hate the clean up and the amount of time involved that I could be spending on other things. [If so, what do you make best?] - Probably my salmon with broccoli. I like it, anyway. [Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage.] - I used to, but it kind of trailed off after college. I'll still have an occasional small glass of wine, though. [List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.] - Green tea. [Do you smoke?] - Nope. Never will, either. [Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what?] - Yes. I take a small dose of Wellbutrin to help with anxiety and mild depression. I also take Nexium because I developed GERD problems recently. It's helped me lose weight though, so it's not all bad (dropped nearly 40 pounds over the last several months). [Do you use illegal substances for recreational use?] - Nope. I've been around plenty of people who smoked pot, but I just don't like the idea of purposefully dulling my senses. [If not, have you in the past?] - Nope. [How would you describe your political alliance?] - Democratic Socialist. I've actually defined myself that way for the better part of ten years and Bernie Sanders had nothing to do with it. [Do you read magazines? If so, which ones?] - I used to read Nintendo Power as a kid growing up, and then I got into Newtype later on. Now I pretty much just stick to news on the interwebs. [Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often?] - I read online news whenever I get downtime at work. I like to keep abreast of what's going on in the world. I like to check The Mainichi on occasion too in order to get a Japanese perspective on things. [Do you have siblings?] - Nope. I'm an only child. In some ways I really wish I'd had brothers or sisters growing up. [Do you have pets?] - Not currently, although I really want a dog. It would just be hard on them since I live alone. There'd be no one here to look after them while I was at work. [Do you eat meat?] - Yes. I generally stick to lean meats. I don't like beef very much, and everyone looks at me like a weirdo when I say that I prefer chicken or fish. [Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college?] - Yes. I have a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis on Speech / Theater. Unfortunately, I only worked in that field for two years after graduation, at which point I moved to Japan to teach English. In that sense, the diploma helped out. Now I work as a contract translator / interpreter in the US. [What do you want to be when you grow up?] - I still want to be an actor or voice actor. I was never happier than when I was acting. I still hold out hope that I might be able to do it again, but I'm worried about my voice since I've started having trouble with GERD. [Are you religious/spiritual?] - It's complicated. I was raised as a Christian, and I generally want to believe in a higher power, but I sometimes find it very difficult to do so. I pray and attend church from time to time, but it's almost more out of habit. I'm kind of in the middle of a crisis of faith, honestly. I have a lot of respect for various religions, though. When I was in Japan, the nursery school I taught at was Buddhist and I would always go with the kids to the temple to pray. I think it's good to experience and understand the tenents of different forms of faith. [What faith?] - I was raised Church of Christ. [Do you like art?] I do, but it's more a general appreciation rather than being highly knowledgable. [List 5 artists or art works that inspire you.] 1. Gainsborough 2. da Vinci (More for his inventiveness). 3. The Sistine Chapel Ceiling 4. Warhol 5. van Gogh [1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you.] a. PS Vita b. A New Book c. Bottled Water d. A Friend (Preferably a Romantic Interest) e. Some Relaxing Music [2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose?] - I'd lose the bottled water and either the music or the PS Vita; it's a toss-up. [3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it?] - That'd be the friend. ;) [List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want:] 1. Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Tales by H.P. Lovecraft 2. The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle 3. The Line Between by Peter S. Beagle 4. Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn 5. Audrey Hepburn's Neck by Alan Brown [List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once.] 1. Say Something by Great Big World 2. Somebody to Love by Queen 3. Blackbird by Paul McCartney 4. I Was Born to Love You by Freddie Mercury 5. Africa by Toto [List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are.] 1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2. Angel 3. South Park 4. Star Trek: The Next Generation 5. Adventure Time [List 5 video games you would recommend someone play:] 1. Ys Books I & II on Turbografx 16 2. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue on Sega CD 3. Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii 4. Shadow of the Colossus on PS2 (or PS3 Remaster) 5. Shenmue on Dreamcast [List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see.] 1. Trigun 2. Grave of the Fireflies 3. Akira 4. Cowboy Bebop 5. Tokyo Godfathers [List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see.] 1. Blade Runner (My favorite film of all time.) 2. Star Wars Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back 3. Back to the Future 4. Raiders of the Lost Ark 5. Double Indemnity (Heehee... gotta' throw a curve ball in there.) [You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal.] - It would probably be a bowl of legitimate ramen, with a side of gyoza. It would be multi-course, so that I could also have some okonomiyaki and fried eel. I'd also want some hot sake to enjoy with all of it. [Finish the sentence.] - Gossip is... something that most often comes from insecure people. - You can never have too much... kindness. - War is a necessary... only as the very last resort against those who would threaten our very way of existence. - You can't pick and choose your family, but... the word "family" can mean a lot of things. - Viva la... musica.
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