Getting to Know You.

Veru @verucassault
Getting to Know You.
Veru @verucassault
This is the continuation from the Antianime Thread. I wanted to know what you guys were into other than anime. So I wrote out a little questionnaire. Feel free to skip any questions you are not comfortable with answering. I think doing it this way will help people find commonalities with others. I'll go through and answer mine eventually, but for those able to kill some time, here you go!
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in?
Are you a leader or a follower?
I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here:
What is your ultimate guity pleasure?
What is the thing you hate most about yourself?
What is the thing you like most about yourself?
Do you like to cook?
If so, what do you make best?
Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage.
List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.
Do you smoke?
Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what?
Do you use illegal substances for recreational use?
If not, have you in the past?
How would you describe your political alliance?
Do you read magazines? If so, which ones?
Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often?
Do you have siblings?
Do you have pets?
Do you eat meat?
Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Are you religious/spiritual?
What faith?
Do you like art?
List 5 artists or art works that inspire you.
1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you.
2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose?
3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it?
List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want:
List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once.
List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are.
List 5 video games you would recommend someone play:
List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see.
List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see.
You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal.
Finish the sentence.
Gossip is...
You can never have too much...
War is a necessary...
You can't pick and choose your family, but...
Viva la ...
Thank you for killing time with me.
(edit, I have added a couple things since original post..)

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Getting to Know You.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in? i prefer going out and doing stuff
Are you a leader or a follower? i tend to take over as leader cause im super bossy XD
I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here: get weapons from a nearby gun shop and then take over a walmart for a headquarters they have everything from weapons to food, clothing and even a grow house . if your lucky your walmart might have a place for guns. since the biggest walmart near where i live is next to a lowes any supplies i need i can get from there and bring it over to walmart since its in walking distance and i can run in and run out safely without having to worry about running passes dozens of zombies. i wouldnt take in too many people only a maximum of 25 people and thats it because having too many people can sort of lead to problems. i would set 2 people to guard each exit to make sure the zombies arent breaking in.
What is your ultimate guilty pleasure? i couldnt think of one
What is the thing you hate most about yourself? the fact that im like super shy irl
What is the thing you like most about yourself? how sexy i am XD jk jk uhhh that i can make people laugh sometimes
Do you like to cook? sometimes
If so, what do you make best? nothing TwT i burn everything
Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage. nope
List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. mountain dew
Do you smoke? no
Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what? none i used to take stuff for ADHD when i was smaller but not anymore
Do you use illegal substances for recreational use? SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY (nah im drug free)
If not, have you in the past? still drug free :)
How would you describe your political alliance? idc about politics
Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? otaku usa
Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often? uhhh every now and then i watch the news
Do you have siblings? yeah i do 4 of them
Do you have pets? no i wish TwT
Do you eat meat? depends
Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college? im a college student right now actually
What do you want to be when you grow up? a teacher or an interpreter for students who are deaf or mute cant decide
Are you religious/spiritual? i believe in god and i pray to him but i dont go to church or anything
What faith? christian
Do you like art? maybe idk :/
List 5 artists or art works that inspire you.
5. gonna leave these blank cause anyone who can draw or at least color better than me i admire since i suck at that
1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you.
a. clothes...unless i wanna go naked lol
b. wanna bring my phone but i doubt there will be any sort of signal let alone wifi out there
c. laptop for video editing purposes
d. some books
e. my imaginary waifu ;_;
2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose? my laptop cause it can stay at home wouldnt want it to be stolen, and clothes cause who needs that XD #sexy and i know it
3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it? my imaginary waifu...we can start life on the island together <3
List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want:
1. Brian's winter
2. hunger games
3. of mice and men
4. maximum ride
5. [insert book title here]
List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once.
1. mirrors by pvris
2. mobbin out by i see stars
3. boris the animal by i see stars
4. beneath the skin memphis may fire
5. hands like houses colour blind
List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are.
1. ridiculousness
2. beyond scared straight
3. lost
4. walking dead seasons 1 and 2
5. chowder
List 5 video games you would recommend someone play:
1. dark souls
2. mirrors edge
3. last of us
4. any pokemon game
5. battlefield
List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see.
1. terra formars
2. golden time
3. tokyo ghoul
4. future diary
5. noragami
List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see.
1. as above so below
2. dinner for schmucks
3. deadpool
4. quarantine
5. sinister
You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal. have my mom make me burritos TwT i can die happy after that
Finish the sentence.
Gossip is...for the birds
You can never have too much...birds
War is a necessary...when it comes to birds
You can't pick and choose your family, can choose birds from a pet shop
Viva la ...roasting a bird in the oven at about 400 degrees

Max @reclaw
commented on
Getting to Know You.
Max @reclaw
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in?
- I definetely prefer to stay in. I usually play video games, train, or watch tv-shows.
Are you a leader or a follower?
- That depends on the situation. If there is no competent leader around, I take the role myself.
I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here:
- Go out early, gather supplies, wait out the main event somewhere safe, scavenge for resources and
build up a holdout later on. I'd find myself a small group, no more than 10 people.
What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?
- I do not have a guilty pleasure. If something makes me feel guilty, I don't do it. I'm proud and
would stand for everything I do.
What is the thing you hate most about yourself?
- My body. That's why I am working on it.
What is the thing you like most about yourself?
- The fact that I can categorize people within minutes of a conversation. I know what they are up to
almost instantly. I like to tease people about it.
Do you like to cook?
- Heck yes! I love to cook.
If so, what do you make best?
- Hmm, I'd say a good asian curry with rice, or a nice german meal involving potatoes. I love
potatoes. :D
Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage.
- I rarely drink, but when I do, I go for something classy. I like clear-cut tastes.
List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.
- Water.
Do you smoke?
- No.
Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what?
- Not anymore I don't!
Do you use illegal substances for recreational use?
- Veeery rarely. And only weed.
How would you describe your political alliance?
- I do not concern myself with the affairs of mortals. (Just kidding! I'm rather liberal-minded.)
Do you read magazines? If so, which ones?
- No. What I read, I read on the internet.
Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often?
- I read the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung sometimes. Apart from that, the internet and German political cabaret tv shows keep me informed.
Do you have siblings?
- No. Some cousins, though.
Do you have pets?
- Yes. I have two guinea pigs.
Do you eat meat?
- Yes. A man needs his proteins! Hahaha. I like meat that once had wings the most.
Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college?
- I plan on getting one or maybe two degrees in computer science.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
- No idea. I have always wanted to develop artificial intelligence, though.
Are you religious/spiritual?
- No. Not really.
Do you like art?
- In general, yes. But not all "art". I don't consider every "art" to be art. I guess that's something for a discussion. ;)
1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you.
a. A knife.
b. Clothes, ofc.
c. A washbag.
d. Money.
e. Cellphone.
2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose?
- My cellphone and money. Considering the cruise is all-inclusive.
3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it?
- My knife.
List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want:
- I rarely read books.
List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are.
1. Breaking Bad
2. Game of Thrones
3. Dexter
4. The Walking Dead
5. South Park
List 5 video games you would recommend someone play:
1. Fallout 4
2. League of Legends
3. The Overlord series
4. Skyrim
5. The classic Dawn of War 40k series (if you are a fan)
List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see.
1. Spirited Away (movie)
2. Howl's Moving Castle (movie)
3. The Cat Returns (movie)
4. Fairy Tail
5. Fullmetal Alchemist
List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see.
1. Waterworld
2. Iron Man
3. Wolf of Wall Street
4. Avatar (The pandora thingy)
5. Terminator 1
You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal.
- A nice steak with fried potatoes and a good sauce. As simple as that.
Finish the sentence.
Gossip is bullshit, but useful for revealing a persons true intents.
You can never have too much happiness and adventures in your life.
War is a necessary tool to kill off those pesky mortals. *insert evil masterplan laugh*
You can't pick and choose your family, but you can pick and choose your friends. And oh, I do. I do.
Viva el Iluminismo! (Enlightenment)

❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
Getting to Know You.
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
Birds so many birds panda

Hadesu @hadesus
commented on
Getting to Know You.
Hadesu @hadesus
Nice one @Veruca ^^!
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in?
Stay in if no one is here to go out with, wich is a lot of time.
Are you a leader or a follower?
Unfortunately i'm a shy leader. I have a good leadership but i don't take the command until i'm asked to do it.
I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here:
Establish a safe zone, then if the zombies don't disapear like it would normaly do, i think i'll try to figure a way to kill them safely.
What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?
I like to judge the life of others in one glance one sentence. It's just a game, but sadly what i see is often true.
What is the thing you hate most about yourself?
My body. He's weak, disgraceful, tall.. I have a nerve problem that makes me hypersensible to neurocardiogenic syncope, and from what my cardiologist told me, it will be worst by the time goes by..
Do you like to cook?
Yeah, a lot, and good stuff it seems. I prefer make dessert though.
If so, what do you make best?
Chocolate mousse
Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage.
I drink alcohol only on circumstances, i prefer the white rhum for now(didn't tasted any brown yet). I also like Desperado.
List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.
Coke, Orange juice.
Do you smoke?
Nay, i don't like it.
Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what?
Do you use illegal substances for recreational use?
I can't, even if i would, it could kill me instantly since my heartbeat rate is low cause of my nerves problem.
If not, have you in the past?
I tried, two second on a joint, three minutes of wondering in pain if was gonna die this same day.
How would you describe your political alliance?
I know i should feeled concerned by politics. But when i look at that group of politicians that can't agree to let their political assaults aside to make good around them it kinda depress me. I know they have differents view on what is the better way to go up, but nailing the other candidat instead of reasonning on why his campaign is inferior makes me wonder if i assist at an kindergarten fight for a meal..
Do you read magazines? If so, which ones?
Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often?
From times to times i go on internet to know what's going on, i watch television as well.
Do you have siblings?
One big dumb stupid baka brother, called Damien..
Do you have pets?
A fantastic big cat called Mimine!
Do you eat meat?
Hhhm, it's not about eating...BL meat i hope..
Yeah i eat meat, and i like it not so grilled.
Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college?
I have.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A good father, in a normal house, with a wife and childrens. If not possible, at least a good uncle for my nephews(Cause i know my brother is gonna have childs anyway).
Are you religious/spiritual?
I've been baptised, but i don't trust anymore.
What faith?
Do you like art?
It depend on wich one.
List 5 artists or art works that inspire you.
1. Birth of Venus, Botticceli
1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you.
a. Swimwear
b. Music player
c. My laptop
d. Camera
e. A good reason to go on a vacation, i guess.
2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose?
Well, that could only be stupid, judging by what i choosed^^.
3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it?
Whatever it is, it's good to take.
List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want:
PS: Tiltes maybe broken, i don't search how they are entitled in English.
1. Dracula (Bram Stocker)
2. The entire saga of "Vampire's Chronicles" (Anne Rice)
3. The two trilogies from David Eddings called "The jewels trilogy" and "The perilous trilogy"
4. Harry potter's saga (J.K.Rowlings obviously^^)
5. Hhm, guilty pleasure i think, i kinda liked the "Twilight" saga in books (Stephenie meyer)
List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once.
1. Monochrome version de l'apprivoiser (The apprivoiser version, the other is good but, meh..) by Haruka Tomatsu
2. The only thing i know for real (Ost from Metal Gear Rising, the Jetstream Sam fight, awesome bass, rythm.)
3. A song of Storm and Fire (Ost from tsubasa reservoir chronicle)
4. Princes of the universe (QUEEN, i like QUEEN, RiP Mercury)
5. Mars, the bringer of WAR (Gustav Holst)
List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are.
1. Adam's family
2. Stargate
3. Vampire diaries
4. buffy the Vampire Slayer
List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see.
1. Claymore
2. Chrome Shelled Regios (Koukaku no regios, i don't know why they call it Chrome Shelled, koukaku is good)
3. Star Driver
4. Zero no Tsukaima
5. Shakugan no Shana
List 5 games you would tell someone they must play.
1. Metal gear (All of them, including psp opus.)
2. Devil may cry (All of them, and no the 2 was not shit, DMC gameplay's okay not it's story but, meh..)
3. Monster Hunter (At least try one to know if you have the Hunter's gene in your vein.)
4. Lost planet 2 (This master Co-op campaign is just wonderful, too bad all servs are off.)
5. Osu (Because when you can play with Anime soundtrack, just do it!)
List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see.
1. Mononoke Hime
2. Berserk (All of the Ougon jidaihen OAVs)
3. STAR WARS (saga, i prefer the prequels to the originals)
4. Matrix (saga)
5. Lord of the ring (saga)
You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal.
Nothing, why waste a meal for someone who is dying.
Finish the sentence.
Gossip is...
Okay, let's tell something to tell something. When it doesn't hurt anyone it's better though..
You can never have too much...
War is a necessary...
Price to live
You can't pick and choose your family, but...
*WARNING..WARNING..Yandere mode ON* If you're not satisfied you can kills them and start over ^^?*Simulation terminated..returning to previous psychological stability*
Viva la ...

JackTechno @jacktechno
commented on
Getting to Know You.
JackTechno @jacktechno
**Note: A great supplement to this thread is "Hobbies," which is also in the Random Chatter forums**
Stay in(besides nighttime walks), Dream of being a leader, Guilty Pleasure: Catgirls, Like to cook, Fav Beverage: Root Beer, Magazines: Shonen Jump- Birds & Blooms- Popular Mechanics, 2 sisters, Plan to go to college for Small Business and Drafting...maybe Creative Writing, I want to own a custom costume shop and be a pro woodworker, Catholic Christian.
1. Franz Marc [German Painter]
2. Nekkyo Usagi [American manga-style artist]
3. Masashi Kishimoto [Creator of Naruto]
4. Various American Folk Artists
5. Rick Furr [American Twig Furniture Maker]
1. Hatchet [Gary Paulsen]
2. MacBeth [Shakespeare]
3. Eragon [Christopher Paolini]
4. The Woodwrights Guide: Working Wood With Wedge and Edge [Roy Underhill]
1. Clannad/ Clannad: After Story
2. Golden Time
3. The Legend of the Legendary Heroes
4. Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
5. Fate/ Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
1. Star Wars [Ep.1-6]
2. Any and all Studio Ghibli films
3. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time [Anime Movie]
4. Oblivion
5. Finding Nemo

Ed~ @yamadaed
commented on
Getting to Know You.
Ed~ @yamadaed
This account has been suspended.

Veru @verucassault
commented on
Getting to Know You.
Veru @verucassault
I can't tell if Panda was hungry when he wrote his out, or if he REALLY likes birds.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Getting to Know You.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
its all about the birds @veruc

BlueRose @roseblue
commented on
Getting to Know You.
BlueRose @roseblue
On a non-work/non-school night, do you prefer to go out or stay in?
Depends on the weather and situation.
Are you a leader or a follower?
Leader, I follow no one but myself.
I'm sure your Zombie Apocalypse plan is amazing, but summerize it here:
I plan on ascending to the 5th dimension to avoid such a plague.
What is your ultimate guity pleasure?
Drying off under a ceiling fan.
What is the thing you hate most about yourself?
Not being a big risk taker.
What is the thing you like most about yourself?
Being Open Minded.
Do you like to cook?
If so, what do you make best?
I do, still a work in progress! Smoothies, and vegie burgers.
Do you drink alcohol? If so list your favorite beverage.
Occasionaly, Red Wine, and Maddog 20/20's
List your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.
Do you smoke?
Do you have day to day prescription medication? Care to say for what?
None, I don't use any pharmaceuticals. I've gone the all natural route, take some herbs here and there. Maintaining a healthy diet.
Do you use illegal substances for recreational use?
If not, have you in the past?
A hit of weed once in a while.
How would you describe your political alliance?
I don't fall under the spell or guise of politics. Like the American two party system, all one and the same.
Do you read magazines? If so, which ones?
Haven't found any that interests me.
Do you read a newspaper or watch the news? If so, how often?
I read a lot, and I mean a lot. I keep up with world events, and details of several conflicts.
I don't watch any mainstream news outlets due to the inordinate amounts of BS.
Do you have siblings?
1 Sister whom is 10 years younger than me. :p
Do you have pets?
1 dog named Nala.
Do you eat meat?
Occasionaly sadly, but mainly on a raw fruit/salad diet.
Have you graduated college? If not, do you plan to graduate college or go to college?
Not yet, I take it slow to remain debt free. I don't like owing anybody anything.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Since I'm grown up, I just want to further my spiritual and inner growth.
Are you religious/spiritual?
What faith?
Complicated, I believe everything is connected. I believe in the concepts of Karma and Reincarnation. I could make this one 5-6 pages long.
Do you like art?
List 5 artists or art works that inspire you.
1. Yoshihiro Togashi
2. Pliny the Elder
3. Michelangelo
4. Masamune Shirow
5. Alexandros of Antioch
1. You're going on an extended vacation on a cruise. You'll be gone for weeks or months. List 5 things you have to have with you.
a. Pocket Knife
b. Plenty of money
c. Books and knowledge
d. Warm/Cold weather clothes.
e. Good selection of Music.
2. You get to the ship and the crew says they are pushing over-encumberance and tell you to lose 2 of the things you brought with you. What do you lose?
I'd leave, and say Bye Wig.
3. The ship wrecks and you find yourself on a deserted island. Floating up next to you on the beach is one of your belongings. It's the one luxery item you brought with you, you couldn't make it without. What is it?
Pocket Knife
List 5 books (with authors if possible) you would recommend to someone. Include a brief description if you want:
1. Wounded Womb - Dr. Phil Valentine
2. Ancient Mediterranean Treasure in North America (Tomb Chronicles Part 1) -Harry Hubbard
3. Tigers in the Mud - Otto Carrius
4. Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict & Creation - Steward Swerdlow
5. Naoki Urasawa - Monster
List 5 songs you would want someone to hear at least once.
1. Boards of Canada - Peacock Tail
2. Morbid Angel - Invocation of the continual one
3. Behemoth - Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
4. Dimmu Bogir - Gateways
5. Hypocrisy - Eraser
6. Arcturus - Ad Absurdum
List 5 TV shows you binge watched like the couch-potato glutton you are.
1. Twin Peaks
2. Wayward Pines
3. Star Trek: TNG
4. True Detective
5. True Blood
List 5 video games you would recommend someone play:
1. The Secret World
2. Men of War Assault Squad 2
3. Golden Sun(Series)
4. Planetside 2
5. Jet Force Gemeni
List 5 animes you would tell someone they must see.
1. Yu Yu Hakusho
2. Neon Genesis Evangelion
3. Cowboy Bebop
4. Inuyasha
5. Ranma 1/2
List 5 movies you would tell someone they must see.
1. Akira
2. Ghost in the Shell
3. The Crow
4. Dark City
5. Nobody Knows
You're on death row awaiting execution. Describe your last meal.
Nothing, I'll go out of this world as I came into it.
Finish the sentence.
Peace? :P
Gossip is...
For the weak minded.
You can never have too much...
Nature, and knowing.
War is a necessary...
To defend ones self and family.
You can't pick and choose your family, but...
Everyone comes from the womb, and the same elements.
Viva la ... France
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