Inner fanboi/girl

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
Inner fanboi/girl
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
A lot of otakus I've met have had those moments where you scream in joy and go absolutely stark crazy, is this at all attractive to anyone? Seeing a boy or grown man squee? A girl shattering your eardrums witha scream cause she just got her new cosplay?
I myself find it adorable =3=

Lamby @momoichi
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Inner fanboi/girl
Lamby @momoichi
lol seeing a man is really just funny for shock value XP but yeah its adorable when a cute lil girly does it over her fave anime char ^^

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
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Inner fanboi/girl
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
I had an ex who would scream over the phone xD so cuuutteee

rollingstar01 @rollingstar01
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Inner fanboi/girl
rollingstar01 @rollingstar01
I find it cute when my friends fangirl, I think it's weird when I fangirl but my friends think it's funny/adorable since I'm normally very reserved sorta? I fangirl pretty bad though hahaha screams and exaggerated hand movements included xD

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
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Inner fanboi/girl
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
I've had my own fanboy moments, but not to certain extremes. I've also witnessed a fair number of fanboy/fangirl moments in my time. Some have been a little over-the-top, but it's amusing a good amount of the time!

scorpiomilo @scorpiomilo
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Inner fanboi/girl
scorpiomilo @scorpiomilo
Haven't witnessed them but would sure love to x___X

Lyson @lyson
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Inner fanboi/girl
Lyson @lyson
My inner fanboi reveals itself every Thursday during my Life Drawing class. I have even interrupted my professor during a lesson, because I just had to talk about The Legend of Korra. I get loud.

momohinamori1221 @momohinamori1221
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Inner fanboi/girl
momohinamori1221 @momohinamori1221
I have my moments but I try to contain them. Sometimes I find it adorable for people to have Fan boy/girl moments. But when the person does it too often... then it gets on my nerves X3

jet73l @jet73l
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Inner fanboi/girl
jet73l @jet73l
I tend to *fangirl SQUEE~!* about certain things, but I'm pretty sure everyone finds that annoying (with the possible exception of my ex, who found it adorable, and my best friend, who finds it hilarious but also possibly annoying).

kittie_saya @kittie_saya
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Inner fanboi/girl
kittie_saya @kittie_saya
I think its cute when a guy has a fanboy moment :p I have plenty of fangirl moments and its quite fun :D
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