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godhead @godhead
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godhead @godhead
hi! <3

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
So sick of being single

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Kyetge! @kyetge
Awww, dude, do I have news for you!!!
So today, I woke up at five in the morning to catch the marathon group's bus to La Puente, the city in which my first 10K ever was held.
It was a Halloween run, so I cosplayed as Korra, but at 5:45 am, I lost one of the hair tubes! D: Before I even got on the bus I was missing something. -_-
Then, during the 10K, around the second or third mile, I lost the other one. -_- It sucks, but I can make new ones.
But my butt also hurts! >:o La Puente's really hilly!
My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
Nope, Ragnarok Onlione