My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
So I come back after yet another leave of absence and see this trend in dream mate stuff? Oh , now. Don't leave me behind DX
Physical Aspects:
I normally don't give a flying frick but
Long hair, looks good in heals xD
A fierce giggler
A bit immature, but more immature than me
Likes cheesy romantic poetry
Likes writing cheesy romantic poetry
'Out there'
A bit scattered
Loves to Game (I need a healer, to save me now...)
Goes all nuts-o over the same things I do
^prevents me from embarrassing myself
^^^ Embarasses herself
Loves hugs (cause I won't ever stop)
Close by (I can't handle much more long distance after my last relationship ended...)
A good singer
An artist
Likes food
Likes me
Can put up with my crazy mother
Has a mother I can put up with
Clean language. (Except for the occasional crap, frick, and hell xD)
Unperverted mind
That list is actually longer >_<

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
That's like me except I'm not close by and I don't have "long" hair

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
Awww >w<

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
commented on
My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
>w< too bad so sad

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
I guess :/

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
yea =/ i guess so too

Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Junichi_Aiko @junichi_aiko
*screams in the background with anguish over so close but missing*

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
O.O *doesnt know wat to do* uhm...uh.... *huggles?* >3<

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
Sounds sorta like me, but I fear you are a bit too young and a few states over. I do enjoy being a healer or swords person on MMORPGs though if you needed a party member on something I'd be interested in.

Lamby @momoichi
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My dream female mate of the same species (what the hell am I saying?)
Lamby @momoichi
lol i love ur title XD *totally unhelpful comment*
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