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Does my senpai even exist?

First, stop with fantasizing. Second, in a half joking way, do what Arc said.XD You'll be fine. Life has a funny way of catching you off guard. Believe me, I'm with a wonderful woman I never would of considered on my own, so to speak(another story for another day...Not that any here give a shit.)... I got lucky and believe she could quite possibly be the "one". If I can, believe me, you can too. Even so, don't stress the lonely times. In short.. Stop stressing and enjoy life. When your lover comes, they will come....aha...slight pun without originally meaning it as such...;P
^Lol! Thanks for the advice, but I'm not fantasizing. If I were, I would add on my list that he has to be: skinny yet buff, has a nice butt, and etc. XD
Your highness? I just read your list, and I shamefully must inquire as to what qualifies as a great hair style. With that, I shall embark on a quest to find a suitable bachelor.
No, thanks. But thank you. :D Hair could have many styles, since they're different types of face shapes. So, it depends as long they look great on that person. ^u^
Arc what are u encouraging Fancy to do? Gosh should I be worried?
Oh and Fancy sometimes we just gotta work harder ourselves to find senpai ^.^ fight Fancy
i can't find my senpai O~O
It's ok. You will. ^w^
I have not found senpai yet either! X3 maybe one dau I'll meet someone
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