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Does my senpai even exist?

Hmm... I'm scare that I would never get my ideal senpai/soul mate/matesprit. It seems like no matter where I look, it's impossible to have it and kinda sad about that. :( My ideal senpai list on my account's info. OuO If anyone can help me or give me advice, that would be awesome. Please and thank you! ^w^
Feb 26, 16 at 3:53am
Best way to find someone is to lower your expectations, that might not be what you want to hear, it should kinda go without saying really. If you don't you'll likely be stuck waiting for someone/something that will never come. After all you probably wouldn't wanna end up like me. I'm not saying settle for anyone of course. It's good to have at least some standards and expectations, but you gotta keep em reasonable is all.
I do that. I'm never said that that it has to be perfectly like that. I just want someone similar what is on my list. ~3~ Thank you for the advice, though. ^w^
Feb 26, 16 at 4:34am
Well here's hoping you find them then. There are plenty of dating sites out there, and even just hanging around local gathering spots in town could net you some results. At 21 you've still got tons of time to find someone so don't start giving up hope just yet. For all you know they could be just around the corner.
Yes, guys like that are out there. I actually stack up pretty well intill you get to the hair and style bit. I am bloody aweful at that stuff. Looking for a guy like that is like looking for a unicorn. They exist, just takes time to find em.
Feb 26, 16 at 6:25pm
If you're looking for a unicorn you could always just grab a horse and staple a home made horn to it's head.
That's a funny way of putting it. XD
Anyway, I don't mean like I want " THE SENPAI". No, no, no, no. XD I just put a list there. So that when date someone and bonding too close to them, if my "panter" broke up with me. It always hurts me even worse. It's probably I'm a Virgo and how my personality matches my zodiac. ;P A list helps me find my next person that I will date and don't have another bad experience. ^w^
Feb 26, 16 at 9:49pm
Senpai is out there, you just have to believe it! And once you find him, you hold on to him and never let go, you hear me, Queen Fancy? Never let go! Even if you have to tie ropes around him and hide him in your cellar behind a locked door and feed him your home-made bento box meals made with your love and he never sees his family or the light of day again you just have to reach out to your dreams and make them a reality!
^ Oh, thank your such encouraging words~! (=^w^=) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9f/a2/dd/9fa2ddff2502208e1f2843a8bfecc349.jpg
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