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What are common reasons you stop talking to people?

1. Short responses like, "Ok" or "cool" that leave me with very little to go on will quickly disinterest me and I move on. 2. Obviously fake accounts. 3. Accounts that use an anime character as their profile picture but try to get romantic and lovey dovey; like they're afraid to show who they are. I may not be shallow, but I'd certainly like to know who I'm talking to xD 4. Overly depressed people that can't do much except talk about how bad they have it. That gets on my nerves very quickly >>
Because they understand my way of thinking and call me weird when I'm acting like my self. Yeah most people are assholes in the world
If I have to constantly start the conversation, it gets tiring... I don't always have things to talk about. If someone never initiates conversation with me I'll most likely stop talking to that person because clearly I'm just a burden.
Because I am boring or I am bored. Also I am afraid of disturbing someone by talking and writing much. Then decide not to do that.
I try to avoid or brush off things most of the time since I tend to be patient with others but I can only be patient for so long- >w> 1) Constant short replies of just "Kk" "lol" "cool" - I automatically think that they aren't interested so I stop or find it harder to reply UoU 2) When someone sends me VERY perverted messages - I laugh easily and I love joking with friends but if someone I don't know sends me those kind of messages I get uncomfortable very fast ^^;;; and scared- 3) No, I'm not RPing sexual fantasies for you- I don't even know you - please stop- Q-Q 4) "So you're a School Girl~?" "High school girl huh?" "Do you wear a uniform-" :") I'm not a fetish either please stop- (the amount of creeps on here is worrying-) 5) People validating my "worth" off my looks- especially when people get picky about body types, skin colour, make-up, hair, clothes etc etc to the point I realise they watch too much anime and don't realise both males and females have flaws too- 6) People with very superior attitudes - I was raised in a modest background so it's not their fault, it's simply something I cannot stand >~< 7) I work a lot (studying and part time job) and help my family often - there are times I take a while to respond and times where I'm free XD if they can't understand that then I won't be interacting very much. Here it is~ (majority that is XD)
1. people woth short responeses like oh my god you dont understand how boring it is to talk to someone who sends you "ok" or "oh cool" how do you keep up a convo that way? i try for a little bit but i give up after a while and leave the convo 2. being pervy i like a couple jokes here and there i dont mind pervy jokes but there is a limit. if all you do is talk about wanting to sex up girls and stuff yeah like thats nice but share it with someone who cares 3. calling me names i dont quite like being disrespected especially when i havent done anything to you. cause i never do anything to anyone im pretty chill about stuff and if im in the wrong i apologize. but calling me stupid or saying other stuff to me i wil pretty much stop being your friend whether it be online or irl 4. ignoring me if im having a convo with you and you just ignore me (i get it people are busy) but like say i message you today and you reply 3 days later but i can see your active i the forum chances are your not getting a reply back 5. being a dick pretty self explanatory
when I try to come up with a witty response, it leads to an infinite feedback loop http://puu.sh/nSG8i/0195579523.gif
If you're disrespectful or just suck at holding a conversation(short or generic responses) then i'm probably going to stop talking to you.
Same as Syn and Panda.
sometimes i just forget to talk to them or i just want space from them. not sure really
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