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What are common reasons you stop talking to people?

Aww man panda I do some of those things on ur list I got Uber short responses I ship u with boys, pretty pervy right? And I call u panda, and not ur real name. Dun dun dun
i dont really talk to you sun...i wonder why that is? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I wonder why panda? U tell me,I am clueless ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
well you do what causes me to stop talking to people...and we dont really talk that much ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) think its obvious
Well then panda let's talk and get to know each other ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This account has been suspended.
Hmmm ???? There creepy All they type is Hi or Hey They always want me to create the topic or start the conversation They start the convo but never reply back then a month later get mad because you never started another conversation Never reply Not online anymore <this happens a lot, cant blame them They type 2 word sentences I put in more effort then needed to keep the convo going even though its obviously dying off, and they dont contribute in the least. Im the biggest pervert, I love boobs, I love girls, I love 2D girls, I love penis <-im allowed to say that right?), I love porn but if this is what your talking about everyday in every convo, I truely feel sorry for you XD. Sometimes I just want to be left alone Im busy, like really busy I dont reply fast enough I dont feel sorry enough or pity them They complain about GF's, EX's, and there horrible life all day and post it all down there wall. My life isnt peaches and sunshine but one depressed person can put another depressed person down with them so yep. Your most likely a fake account, I indulge for a bit but then discontinue messages. I offended you with one of my jokes that was in no way offensive or meant to harm nor do they discuss it. Yeah thats about it, not everday things but most of the reasons.
@Syn if I could +1000 this I would. Even more than outright bullying *this* is how I've been treated by the bad people in my life. Nothing sets me off more than people who want to ignore you, but want to be "nice" and are wishy washy. Sometimes I wish I could scream out "leave me the crap alone you disingenuous pricks!" but really I have to be better than that. Other than that situation here are other things that I've seen that just turn me right off. You could literally walk in front of me naked but yet I would still turn away if I saw any of the following traits: 1. The "where have all the good guys gone" type. There are plenty of decent men on this planet. Instead it's *way more than likely* your taste in men suck and you keep choosing guys that are a "challenge" to you rather than a fulfilling relationship. This is the ultimate in skankiness and sleaze to me and if you talk like that then I will just dump you on the spot. There is no "friend zone" with me because I will be honest with you about my intentions and I will not be used as a pawn in an emotional mind game. 2. Constant Complainer. This is mostly based off of my professional/working life, but I've seen this way too many times in other relationships too for it not to be brought up. As someone who has gone through a lot of adversity in his life, 9 times out of 10 you have *nothing* to complain about and it's more than likely a "first world problem". This is why I hate most sitcoms. You have a beautiful home, nice kids, and a decent job that allows you to have a good life but yet you're still miserable and looking for that "something more". This has nothing to do with your job, spouse, or "station in life"; you're just a spoiled brat with no perspective. If I hear this type of drivel and whining when I'm out with a girl, I will even cut off a date because it just wears me out, and my attention and energy are better suited for other things. 3. Materialism. An absolute no no which I think most people won't tolerate. One time a girl literally asked me "do you have a big house". Well my childhood home has two stories, is on one acre of land, and I would rather put my foot in a wasp's nest than go out with you. 4. Narcissism. I can't tell you how many times I've ran into this pernicious trait and was used as a supply. I don't chase my tail around to get people to pay attention to me and I shouldn't need to "change with world" in order to somehow be with you. As a software engineer and scientist I do things that make the world a better place, but my value as a person will not be reduced to objectified accomplishments and I refuse to be discarded once life's challenges appear. 5. Anti-intellectualism. As I am posting on an Otaku dating site, does this really need to be explained? In high school I was explicitly told that I should get bad grades in order to be liked and to get a girlfriend. Bite me. 6. Manipulation. Related to Narcissism I have experienced gaslighting and I do know when I am being manipulated. The cheapest form being girls who "checking up on how I'm doing" but are really selling some kind of product (see: virtually all university alumni donations people). Other forms are girls you know who sell Herbalife, Amway, or some other Multilevel-marketing snake oil. If that is what you call life then I will have nothing to do with you. 7. Relationships as politics types. Because of what I've seen over the years I actually consider myself pretty much a feminist, but even so I can't stand girls who see relationships as a political sparring match. The "politics of the bedroom" don't apply to me and I replace it with things called "maturity" and "consent". I'm 25 and I'm already too old for that crap. 8. Smoker, addict, and/or Binge Drinker. These are mega turn offs for me. You're not being "anti-conformist" or "rebellious" you're just being trashy. I have been pressured to do that all the time and if that is what it takes for me to be "accepted" then the problem is you and not me. If I wanted to ask Ke$ha out I would. 9. Overly flirtatious to the point of not respecting boundaries. Really? I can spot histrionics a mile away. And unlike other guys I know that if I get into a relationship with you, then you will be flirting and or cheating *with other men* and not commit. I will not be used for mere attention, buzz off. 10. Pressured into getting married, having sex or performing acts I'm not comfortable with, etc. See Boundaries. Respect them please. 11. Any and all drama queens. A variation on number 9 and there is no need for artificial crises when life is full of legitimate ones. I'm sorry that this devolved into a rant, but I had a lot to get off my chest about this topic. Seriously I have seen and or met most of the girls that this list is based off of and is why I am at many times *glad* that I am forever alone. When the right girl comes along then she will accept who I am without this mess and both my future girlfriend and I will be much better off for it.
Oo http://media0.giphy.com/media/4pMX5rJ4PYAEM/giphy.gif
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