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What would you do?

@Essan Yeahhh, but my problem is. She might be the one running away this time. Hahahaa
Thanks guys for the advices! we're good now. she's still my stubborn friend. I can't leave her. LOL
Jan 02, 16 at 12:07am
Flattered but I don't swing that way bro.
Jan 02, 16 at 5:40am
Don't hold back and be honest. You have to let them know that it will never happen. Give them complete closure and then carry on with your lives, it will probably be awkward for a while though.
It was really awkward~! the air was really heavy. but I made a way out in our convo. I mean I'm not bi in the first place. I'm glad we're friends again <3
Jan 02, 16 at 12:45pm
Probabily if it was the same gender i could say that I don't feel anything and that I am attracted to woman, not man. Be straight and tell everything you feel.
Jan 02, 16 at 12:47pm
Sorry, I had to point out the irony... "Be straight and tell everything you feel."
I have been hit on by guys before. I Just tell them I do not feel the same way and we can only be friends nothing more - take it or leave it no hard feelings either way.
Yup. Happened to me while I was driving a friend to a place. What an awkward car ride that ended up being.
Jan 03, 16 at 6:52am
I wouldn't know, it hasn't happened to me because my friends know I'm vehemently straight. I would have a hard time hanging out with said person anymore because they should have known otherwise.
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