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What would you do?

Well lemme get this straight. . What would you do if one of your closest friend confesses to you that she/he liked you more than a friend. And the problem is this person is the same gender as you? (。ŏ_ŏ)?! Like how the hell should you react? P.s. Im new here. XD Lez be friends (。・ω・。)ノ♡
I've been in this situation before, I told this person that I don't feel the same at all and above all..my attraction is to women not men. You have to be direct in some situations so that the line is visible to the others. Be straight forward/cut and dry if your not interested, it's best if this person knows exactly where you stand. Just my opinion though, then again I'm naturally very direct anyway lol. GL
Even if you are talking to your bestfriend? And you've been together like for almost 10 years? :O imagining your situation. Maaaan~ it muat be very tough. I mean you are both guys. . And then suddenly. Its kinda awkward. Haha
Yea I've known my friend for about 11 years now..but...LOL was it awkward, the air got tense after that. After a few minutes of silence I had to shut him down. Were still cool to this day though, everything happens for a reason I guess. At least now he knows exactly where I stand on that situation. It's difficult but you gotta let people off hard sometimes, seriously good luck though. You just never know how the other person will react.
I salute you for being a tough guy. Haha and a great friend too. I should man-up too. . Uhhh i mean. Woman up! What i did to her is. . I ran away cause i don't know what to say. My mind is about to blow up with many questions. Like she was really wishing i was a guy. (。-_-。) my mind went blank so as today. Lol
And I salute you for taking your friends feeling into account(Something I should do more) Lol try telling her through the phone or text. You got this (>^.^)> YOU GOT IT!!! <(^.^<) Just take some time to figure out what to say, doesn't have to be today. Don't drag it out though.
I would lie if i didn't wish to be a guy for her(partly but actually i wanna be a guy to punch the guy who bullied me. Lol). I lost my communication with her. Maybe she felt really bad when i ran away(i'd rather ran away than passed out). But i love her of course so im never giving up with our friendship! XD
Dec 28, 15 at 11:52am
I'd be something like, "Well okay. You know I'm not gay, right? Go find a gay guy for that."
I wish it was that easy to say that out. Maaaaan~ girls are so much complicated(look who's talking. Im a girl. Lol). They're very emotional and ect. So im careful with words(but i chose to shut up then run). Lol
Dec 28, 15 at 12:09pm
I've been in the same position before and pretty much did what Shadower said. It was awkward at first since it caught me off gaurd. But then once I got my bearings, I had to tell him that it wouldn't be possible at all. Sure he was one of my best friends, and it must have been hard for him to do that, but I just didn't feel that way and had to tell him that it just would not happen but I respected him for coming out and I rather him stay as my best friend. Btw I should mention that I didn't know that he was Bi, prior to all this.
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