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What would you do?

I've noticed that most people who experienced this are GUYS. . . like really? I can't believe it! I thought it only happens on animes or movies. D:
As someone who knew a transgender friend before she was a girl, and now gets hit on casually, I guess I can relate? Really though, this boils down to two things. You should honor her feelings, and at the same time, regard your own feelings as just as important. Its a difficult space to navigate however, and I don't envy you. Because things are going to change. Damn, I just can't put it in a way that nobody else has already said, can I?
Jan 07, 16 at 6:13pm
I would be all like, sorry I'm straight, I love me tig ol'bitties
Jan 07, 16 at 6:18pm
^ This chick
i would look at them and be like O.O so all those times i dropped something on the ground you were secretly watching me pick it up like http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnf4j0YerU1qaxdlho1_500.jpg http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvsmyc0JSe1qibz0jo1_r1_500.png
Jan 07, 16 at 9:57pm
In all seriousness, let her know that you appreciate her as a friend. Tell her that you like her, but you don't like her like that. Just make sure to say it as sincere as possible. Believe it or not, but I actually had a male friend that had a crush on me.
I would let them know that I'm very, very flattered but I would politely decline.
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