Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?

Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
Hey everyone. It's me again.
Last week I made a forum post on messaging a girl I met on the site and pretty much fell for. Here it is for those who didn't see it. http://www.maiotaku.com/mytopics/561/mytopics/27150
Anyhoo, As the title of this post implies, I've been wondering if anyone has met a significant other on MO. It's just I've read stories that a lot of MO users (mostly female) are only interested in being friends.
Now don't get me wrong, I've made some friends on the site (male and female) but at the end of the day I'm here to find an otaku girlfriend.
Anyway, just asking if anyone here, man or woman, has met their otaku lovers on MO.
As my last forum post states, I've been pretty disheartened and I'm wondering if this site is right for me.
Thanx to everyone who responded to my last post.

Sherflow @sherflow
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
Sherflow @sherflow
Yes, I have. I'm living with her.
And I know of a few others who've met through this site aswell.

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
Manga_bird @manga_bird
^ That would be me.
And yes, I know another couple who met on the site.

Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
The big issue is that the ones that are even remotely interesting are swarmed as soon as they hit the ground here, like a pack of rabid dogs fighting over a filet mignon. This alienates the women who are remotely interesting, and they close themselves off. No, what got me my girlfriend was to take a plunge and flirt with a girl on a developer site I joined, and boom, we're still together despite some rocky points.

Gudmoore @gudmoore
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
Gudmoore @gudmoore
I have, but things happened and I had to break up with her. I have principles.

yesitrepeats @yesitrepeats
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
yesitrepeats @yesitrepeats
I have. We have been together for 4 months now and Im quite happy with her.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
ロイ @wallace614
I feel like I have but I'll keep you guys posted ^__^

Shebang @bonfiyah
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
Shebang @bonfiyah
Yes, I have. However, it didn't work out.

Rain @rainx
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
Rain @rainx
A lot of people tend to treat this site more like facebook for anime fans than a dedicated dating site. You're also dealing with the other usual dating site pitfalls like distance, disproportionate amount of men to women, minors, people only looking for friends, people already in relationships, people who haven't logged-in in months (or years), etc.
I've mainly stuck around as long as I have for the outside hopes of finding someone, but I've kinda relegated myself to the fact the chances of finding someone on here are pretty low. If it happens? Great! If not? I'm no worse off than I am now and this place is a good time killer or distraction where I can share thoughts about stuff I'm interested in with others and help people with their relationship issues or other topics on the forums.
At the end of the day, don't dissuade yourself from using the site if you haven't had much luck right away. Just have reasonable expectations that it might take awhile to find someone if you plan on using this site for potential relationships.

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
Has anyone ever got a girlfriend/boyfriend through this site?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Not yet, no. But I am hopeful that I'll end up with someone sooner and later.
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