If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?

Masakan @masakan
If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Masakan @masakan
First I think some ground rules are Needed here.
1.They can be from any media outlet and isn't limited to just anime or Video games.
2.It has to be more than skin deep
3.An explanation isn't required but it would be appreciated.
4.And you have to see yourselves being frequently around them for an extended period of time.
I'll start and I actually have a few I could name
Konata from Lucky Star: I think this one is obvious for anyone on this site.
Shantae:She seems really fun to be around, free, funny and determined.
Blake Belladonna from RWBY:Super Chill girl, one that i can just enjoy a quiet afternoon with.
and Xiaomu/Exellen Browning from NamcoXCapcom and Super Robot Wars Respectively(I am doing it like this because they might as well be the same person)Holy hell i love the energy these 2 give off. Total flirts, knows how to keep the mood up and are just total anime dorks, Hell Xiaomu actually tried to get some Yaoi material from Yuri and Flynn in project X Zone it's great.

Cero @cero
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Cero @cero
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Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Oh god, I'd have the waifu harem to end them all...

neeto @neet_one
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
neeto @neet_one
What do you mean "if you could"? Is there something stopping us from having one?
>It has to be more than skin deep
>Multiple of them
Harems are typically skin deep bro.

Xylvr @sneaky_rai
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Xylvr @sneaky_rai
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Edtastic @edtastic
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Edtastic @edtastic
But mine would have to be Hatsune Miku. She's actually the reason i got into anime, without her, i probably wouldn't be here. And i wouldn't have met so many awesome people. It's kinda personal to me.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
i have to say yuno gasai she is a cute yandere and is pretty much everything i would like my waifu to be like

Izumi25X @izumi25x
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Yare yare... When I saw this thread, I uh-ohed. Not for me, but for the readers of this thread who may be subjected to an epic. Behold! I shall share my thoughts.
To prevent a giant post aka wall of text, I will separate my multiple subjects into having their own posts. Enjoy!

Izumi25X @izumi25x
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Dragon Ball
To be honest I didn't appreciate her until I got older and more mature. Much like she didn't see Goku seriously as a romantic candidate until after he was with Chi-Chi. That being said, the thing that gets me most excited is her brain. She builds a working, lethal laser gun at the age of five years old! But by age 16, she has become a cute teenager with incredible scientific know-how to build a radar for mystical objects that emit a unique energy signature. What is frightening is that this is the tip of the ice berg. She inherits her brilliance from her father and beauty from her mother... and surpasses them in both! Her father, who can fix a foreign spacecraft and design a superior model despite having less developed technology and her mother, who is pushing age 70 and looks like (well just check out Dragon Ball Super)... Bulma ages slowly in terms of appearance; or at least slower than Chi-Chi. Amazing when you have Vegeta as a husband lol. At any rate I to this day have no idea how with her beauty, brains, and money (even if I did not know her last name as the daughter of the richest man on the planet, I would know her brains to be something that should not be taken for granted) she struggled to find a man and would have used the Dragon Balls to find a boyfriend... If I was there, the manga would have been much shorter because, i would have married her in a heartbeat. The patience she has is absolutely amazing, Chi-Chi could learn from her to be honest. Bulma is very patient with Vegeta... And has enough spunk to openly bad mouth Freeza and slap the God of Destruction Beerus (after being shown that no one not even Goku could stand up to him). Gosh is she awesome.

Izumi25X @izumi25x
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If you could have a Waifu/Husbando(Or Multiple of them) who would they be and why?
Izumi25X @izumi25x
Fairy Tail
Juvia Lockser. Out of all the guys in Fairy Tail, Gray Fullbuster is the one I would envy the most. Let's ignore the fact that he has incredibly muscular body and is strong to cold (the latter of which is totally me) He is a pretty good looking, confident guy and this is likely what endears him to Juvia. Who is my favorite gal in the series. She us borderline obsessed with everything Gray-sama. Trust me if I was in his shoes, we would be more lovey dovey than Alzack and Bisca... Why? Because she loyally is fixated on Gray, his well being, other girls trying to steal him, and of course his affections. She used to cause constant rain like Kyogre wherever she went due to being sad and lonely. And once she found him that stopped. Such emotion that is easy to read, I love it, and would do my best to make sure she was always happy! She is beautiful in her own right, and has her own interesting hairstyles... I like her magic too, not only does she manipulate water but can be like Vaporeon and melt into it, she can literally become water!
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