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What game are you currently playing?

Right now? just Overwatch and stuff on my phone. Oh and Pokemon Uranium. I used to be a heavy WoW player, but WoD was so bad that it turned off completely even if the next expansion just came out yesterday, I no longer care for it
Sep 03, 16 at 4:39pm
Dark souls 3 Elder scrolls online Just for pvp
Doom 2016, Doom 2 wads and Doom 3 mods - yes I'm a massive fan of Doom, perhaps the biggest one on this entire site. But other than that I've been jumping back into the older Earth Defense Force games as well as trying to get back into Warframe after taking a break off it for months as well as Unloved (I played and finished the original Doom 2 mod yesterday and it's fantastic up until the final stretch where it becomes utter bullshit in terms of difficulty but it has an amazing atmosphere and a wonderfully dark soundtrack) which is an excellent and fiendishly difficult spin on the old school shooter.
Just started playing overwatch
I just finished Digimon Cyber Slueth, it was a lot of fun. If you are a fan of digimon and wanna use up 80+ hours, I highly recommend it. Anyone have suggestions for games similar to Digimon or Disgaea?
I'm still fucking around with Fallout 3. I can't wait to get my new computer together so I can back and forth from Skyrim + sex and graphics mods to No Man's Sky (the game everyone loves to hate).
Fallout 4 because I'm very invested in settlement building right now. Civilization 3 because modding that game is the fruit of life.
right now im playing league of legends but in a bit im gonna play last of us online
Get out of here panda. No one wants to know about your 16/0/2 Darius play XD
Started playing Ocarina of Time, my 5th round.
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