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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

baka, take a chill pill bra, this isn’t srs discussion. edit: sidenote, as someone that does job interviews, my top advice for someone trying to get a job: Make accusations, point your finger, project your opinions, and be incapable of explaining any of it when someone asks you to elaborate
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I am still a virgin, and honestly I don't care about it that much anymore. I just want to find that special someone. Not even find her. More like coincidentally meet her while living my introvert lifestyle. :> I had multiple multiple chances to lose my virginity, but in my mind I would never forgive myself (inherited stubborn pride) if it was with a girl I barely knew, a prostitute, or someone who treated me like shit. So I always ran from the question or avoided people trying to peer pressure me into doing it. There is nothing wrong with me besides the obvious occasional breakdown on a random site I know no one else I know logs onto. So imma just chill and see what happens. Still wanting someone to take my kissing virginity away though.
Coming from a girl... Being a virgin is a good thing. Can't stand guys who go sleeping around or have had a lot of sexual partners. I think it's much more special if I'm their first. Of course I only think it's okay to engage in sex if you are both deeply in love with each other. I don't see how people do it with just anyone (Like people on tinder) . Kinda gross imo. In all honesty most women are cruel though, and I can understand why some guys do become incels in the end. It's really sad.
"Most women are cruel though" I like 'em feisty, but often I misconstrue the two different meanings leading to a "bitch" trying to manipulate me for shits and giggles.
By cruel I don't mean tsundere ;) I mean they either. 1) Don't give guys a chance , and this is mostly with appearance . Like I understand you need attraction but I don't think looks are that important to where you just shut someone off solely off of that. For me I personally find Humor, Responsibility and the sound of their voice attractive. Though they don't HAVE to have all of those. I used to be really overweight growing up so I know how people treat you and I can sympathize and KNOW looks do not matter. Besides they eventually fade away. I'd rather have someone with an awesome personality than someone good looking but is an asshole. 2) They lead/toy you on, cheat on you, etc. Not loyal. I find that some women tend to be flirty or give off that they are into you... but they have no intentions of ever being with you. Basically just toying with your emotions. So when you step up and try to put your emotions out there they usually will shut you down or say oh I only see you as a friend. That relationship crumbles and usually ends.... :/ They are usually just out there to get attention and pray on lonely guys. Also I'm not saying this is every girl, this is just the really crappy ones that tend to pop up around the internet.
The sad part is it isnt just the internet. Its happen to me with someone I had a crush on but I just didn't want to believe or admit that was happening
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@romeo exactly. Story time with Snake!!! I had this long time crush with this redhead girl in middle school and highschool. For anonymous reasons we shall name her "Sarah". Anyways Sarah was thicc, sassy, and very popular. I was not so popular. She approached me in middle school and always hung around me saying she loves my accent. (Btw at the time I sounded kinda british until I took speech classes towards the end of middle school) I started messaging her talking back and forth. At that time Sarah did not act like a bitch. She actually acted like a decent human being which attrqcted me to her. Of course it was obvious she used me sometimes back then to get help on tests and homework. Ahe knew what she was doing because she did the whole "Oops I dropped my pencil" routine. Bending down flashing me her butt. Ngl....she had a very nice butt. Anyways back on topic we messaged back and forth for awhile even after she moved towards the end of middle school. I bravely opened up to her about my feelings in a message and sent her a very short poem. At that time I didn't know what creeped girls out or not. And this did it. She didn't talk to me for 2 years. Flash forward I am in my Junior year of highschool and forgot about her mostly to cope with the embarrassment it ended in. I am in lunch before I go to my physics class when suddenly my friend whispers to me "who is that fine ass?" I looked and there she was. Loudly exclaiming "AHH SHIT!". Turns out she moved back and guess whose physics class she ended up in?! Me! So I tried avoiding her by being on the opposite side of the classroom. I thought I succeeded until she spotted me and instantly went on the attack to my surprise sitting next to me all the way to the freaking back of the class room. And this was a huge classroom for science projects and experiments. I looked at my friend Justin for help but he was flabbergasted that she chased after me and sat next to me to say anything. She starts talking to me apologizing for abruptly cutting me off. I told her I gotta focus on the assignment at hand and we will talk later. Next day she started her "lets group up so I can pass" thing right away. Because who doesn't love a nerd who can help you pass?! Justin saw what she was doing and told me multiple times that I shouldn't fall for her attempts to sway my heart for her because she was just gonna use me. Well long story short I fucked up and let her back. We were being playful and she over sexualized everything she did with me. Like teasing me about not having my first kiss by offering herself as tribute. Flashing her boobs at me when the class was focused on the teacher going over review study questions. Especially when I was called upon she would do that and when I got it wrong she said, "I guess you're not that smart afterall". I thought ahe was being sassy, but in reality she was being mean. Justin still kept warning me heartbreak is on the way, because she is a bitch. I told him I can handle it. I am going to end my story now by saying I tried asking her out to the movies irl after class ended. She just laughed at me saying she already had a boyfriend. And Justin looked at me and said afterwards, "I told you she was like that bro, but its gonna be okay now that you see what I was saying". From that day on I ignored her and even blew up at her after graduating saying that she broke my heart, and that she shouldn't have even tried talking to me again. Turned out her so called boyfriend was 24 at the time and she was 17....anyways now she is an up and coming reggae singer now traveling to Vegas, Hawaii, and god knows where else. We still talk now and then. Small talk mostly. But yeah that was the first heart break I had.
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