Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

Masakan @masakan
Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
Masakan @masakan
I didn't think I would make this one of my first posts....but I need to ask.
First I think a little back story is appropriate, See I grew up watching things like Snapped, Maury and Jerry Springier, all of which convinced me to abstain during my high school years. I didn't want to have to drop out, I didn't want to be some deadbeat. I wanted to make sure I was ready for a relationship.
Fast forward to college where casual sex is a lot more common place, and you feel like you just wasted your time holding back until age 25.
If that wasn't bad enough there is also this stigma of being a male virgin and this feeling of deficiency and worthlessness,like there's something wrong with you because, you never had sex. The story of the Lady and man who both sold their virginity (The Lady got 800k and the Man got only 3k) doesn't help either.
Sure there are many women who will respect you, saying that being a virgin at that age is sign of self control, but you will always have that one who looks at you with a raised eyebrow and many who would rather not have the burden of being someones first.
Personally In my case, I just want my first time to mean something you know? I know it's overly romantic. But I don't wanna just throw it away, even if it is considered worthless. Not even with a significant other just someone I can call a friend, can ring up, talk to hang out. I just don't want to be a one night stand ya know?
But I digress. I just wanna know how much of this stigma has merit, and how much do you or would you agree with it?

Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
commented on
Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
I'm not a girl but I'm a little virgin boy! ^u^ but two things;
One: don't let society dictate what or what isn't worthy! It may be thought of as a bad thing if you're a virgin! But that doesn't matter at all if you're happy with the fact that you are! I know I'm happy to be a virgin! ^u^
And two; the serious talk forum sometimes has stuff about topics like this~ if no one responds here often, you may wanna go browse around and see if anything will help you out ^u^

xynox @xynox
commented on
Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
xynox @xynox
Who cares. I don't care if you had sex with dozens of people or no people as long as you're STD-free and loyal in relationships. You shouldn't really put that much weight on losing your virginity though... that's why slut-/virgin-shaming still exists in the first place. To make people feel guilty about how they choose to handle their sexual affairs. And that social free time activity is despicable and should finally just die down. I also don't agree that still being a virgin means you've got great self-control, that you're worthless or anything else. It means you're a virgin. Nothing else.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene

yaasshat @yaasshat
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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
yaasshat @yaasshat

Hiyori Neko @hiyori_neko
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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
Hiyori Neko @hiyori_neko
I have to agree with okami it really shouldn't matter all that much. If you find the right person that is ;3

xypho @xypho
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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
xypho @xypho
This account has been suspended.

neeto @neet_one
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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
neeto @neet_one
Sexuality is pretty fucked up and backwards in western countries, I wouldn't let it get to you. You've shown self restraint and control which is a very commendable trait not many have these days. The kind of people who would look down on you for being a virgin are the kind of people that will typically fuck anything that moves and they're a dime a dozen. The opinions of people like these are meaningless so again don't worry about it. Often times they're just bitter because they gave up something they can never get back so they lash out at people who stayed strong and resisted their primal urges. They might laugh at you or poke fun at you, but just remember that these same people are the going to be having trouble holding down stable relationships due to treating people like disposable toys. This is why marriages have such poor success rates in the US. This is why being dumped and cheated on is so common place that it's seen as normal now. These people are shooting themselves in the foot but refuse to admit it. They know things are bad but don't want to do anything about it. I've actually seen some morons on here claim being a virgin makes people more likely to cheat in relationships, that's just how delusional they are. It'd be laughable how screwed up in the head these guys are if it wasn't so sad. These are the kinda people that will typically jump from one relationship to the next over and over all their life till they eventually get tired of playing the dating game and settle for whatever random person they can get as they finally learn that they'll die alone if they keep it up. People do learn in time that there's consequences for their actions, but by the time people realize this it's usually too late.
So the next time someone looks down on you for being a virgin, just remember it's better than being a Jerry Springier reject.

. @divine
commented on
Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
. @divine
I think people put too much on sex in general.
Either you suck for not having sex
Or you suck for having too much sex.
You're either a loser or a player/whore.
You can't do anything right in this world, because there's always someone who will have a problem with you.
And that's pretty lame.
I personally can't give a care about someone's virginity or lack of one.
How you want to go about your life is none of my business and I carry no judgement at it.
You wanna stay a virgin for blank reason? More power to ya.
You wanna have an eventful sex life? Cool! Just be careful.
You wanna refrain from sex forever for blank reason? Not a problem, lets play games or something else fun.
Who cares.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Listen man i know where your coming from its weird when everyone around you has had sex but your still here as a virgin and they make fun of you for not having sex but there isnt anything wrong with being a virgin. Im one too but of my own choice i'd rather not sleep around with people who i dont love like that. But your virginity isnt completely worthless when you find that one person who your willing to give it up to i think you'll be glad you didnt throw it away. I can tell a few here might have threw theirs away by their responses
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