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Ladies...what are your thoughts on Virgin Males?

http://i.imgur.com/p7beIyD.gif Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. But at least you had a heart breaking moment :'(
One more note. After all my tutoring with her she ended up actually becoming smart herself. Which made me happy for her because I still had a heart and helping people makes me feel good when I see them succeed. @FoolishOtaku thanks man. Its like they say its better to have crush and lost than never crushed at all. Lol jk
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Honestly, I can care less on sex. Never found it mandatory in a relationship. Besides, I am in no rush. I'll wait until after marriage. Thank you very much. THANK YOU! I'm glad someone understands that sex is overrated by society. I'm sure there are more who agree on that, but I'm too lazy to read 10+ pages just to find them. So, sorry to those that similar thinking in previous pages. Nothing personal, I'm just lazy to look through all that at the moment. So... One way to put it, be less of a "Johnny Bravo" and be more you. Be more of an actual person. Be yourself and have fun. (My break time is limited, so I can't really type out a whole lot.)
*shrug* I'm still a virgin and I'm pretty confident in myself. I've never really had any issue with getting women interested in me or talking to them. I'm also not very focused on or have a complex surrounding losing my virginity though. It's just not a super high priority for me, honestly neither is a relationship really. I'm kinda just doing my own thing in life right now. If I meet someone that I'd want to make an active effort to date then so be it. Whatever happens, happens. Though I very much agree with Ed. Stressing too much about it definitely shows. I've seen some guys totally sabotage themselves because they just have an...aura of thirst to put it simply. To be perfectly honest the old "lol just b urself bro" advice is honestly the best possible advice for success believe it or not. :u Just do your own thing, follow your passions. If you're comfortable with yourself and have a clear cut identity, people will find you much more attractive and more personable in general and will be willing to get to know you better. Getting obsessed with insecurities really causes you to just give off a negative vibe in general, driving away people who would other wise actually like to get to know you. Just don't stress out about that type of stuff.
Sex is over rated, yes... But sex + gore... Now that is something to look forward to :p
Could just lie if you are one if you don't like the label. "Hey you're a virgin still" "No" "Ok" or flaunt it ayyyyy I'm a virgin means I'm not riddled with various disease.
@solid_snake thanks for your personal experience. I mean as much as guys can be jerkoffs girls can be beaches you know but appreciate you sharing your story!!!
Sex isn't important to me, probably why I haven't gotten around to doing it, lmao. I think it just makes things more complicated and relationships are hard enough as it is. Sorry, I'm really not hip.
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