Yu @metaljester
Yu @metaljester
I have a question for everybody here, do tell me the reason why you joined the site?
For those that have been here longer, has your reasoning remained the same or has it changed perhaps?
Thank for any feedback.
115 @siruboo
commented on
115 @siruboo
I joined because i was lonely, still kinda but ive been talking to a bunch of people texting. One person here hell maid. But all the girls are just friend
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
came here because i didnt have any friends i could talk to about anime or anything so i did some searching and found this place. i was looking for friends and maybe if i was lucky find a girl who lived somewhat near me.
i ended staying because the people here were cool and we had laughs and good times together. but after a while it started to get boring and all my friends were leaving so i was back to square one. it kept happening like that for a while until i finally announced i was leaving the site. but some people actually convinced me to stay and im sort of glad i did cause all the new friends i made and new experiences i had was worth toughing it out
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
commented on
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Boredom. :P
neeto @neet_one
commented on
neeto @neet_one
Boredom mostly.
Truth be told I was (and still am) fine with being single, but I meet a girl who was kinda neat, things didn't work out but it made me curious about the whole dating thing and what not which lead me here. Ended up realizing girls like that aren't gonna be easily found on sites like this but stayed out of boredom all the same.
카덴자 @sdcadenza
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카덴자 @sdcadenza
This account has been suspended.
mariahaise @mariahaise
commented on
mariahaise @mariahaise
Trolling people but I didn't in the end.
115 @siruboo
commented on
115 @siruboo
theres a lot of trolls here or fake pics of people in there profile.
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
commented on
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower
I was bored, and wanted to talk anime with people
Luxus @superluxus
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Luxus @superluxus
I joined out of curiosity, I'm not even sure why I stuck around either... I'm definitely not even an Otaku...
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