What's money mean to you?

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
What's money mean to you?
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
How important is it that you have money? How much money do you want really and for what? I'm just wondering because when my boss tries to convince us to work harder he/she will always say something like "Work hard, rank up, and that means more money, everybody wants that right?" "If money can't motivate you, I don't know what will" and we three cheer for money.
It just ticks me off that that's the go-to to pep us up. So how do you all feel about money? Is that really why yall work?
My feeling is that I'm indifferent to money. I don't know what to do with it. I don't buy much, so I just save it in the hopes I'll have enough for a small cabin or some scenic little home somewhere one of these days and I can fund a writing career. It's just some paper someone throws at me and it urks me to think someone actually thinks I'm dumb enough to give a damn.

neeto @neet_one
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What's money mean to you?
neeto @neet_one
I hate money. It's like a drug that corrupts people and turns them evil. there's only two ways to make any real money in this world, screwing people over and dumb luck (lottery/inheritance) and the dumb luck people usually don't hold onto that money long. I've seen how horrible it can make people first hand, and the horrible things people will do for it both to themselves and to others. It's frankly sickening to see what money does to people. I know a guy who's rich and money is all he knows, it's an obsession for him and he's convinced it makes him superior to everyone around him. He treats everyone like shit and does what he wants regardless of how much it troubles other people. I swear the guy loves bragging about his trips around the world and all his cars just to try and get a reaction out of me I think, yet he has no friends and his wife hates his guts and is only with him for his money. What kind of life is that? You can easily do so much good for so many people but rather look at big numbers on a screen and jerk off to overpriced garbage.
That's just how it is though, the rich are above the law. They can bribe their way out of any problem and even if they find themselves in court they can pay for the best layers around. Worst part is they keep everyone else down. There's enough food to go around but these people are perfectly content to hoard it all for themselves and watch us starve to death, even if that means hording more then they could ever possibly hope to eat they don't care.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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What's money mean to you?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Money means I have my bills payed and a secured future. Plain and simple. Do I have either of those things at the moment? Nope, but a man can dream...
Also, money is not bad, it's the love of money that corrupts, aka greed.

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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What's money mean to you?
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
I have strong feelings towards money as well. What you say sums it up but there's much more to add and even then I think it would be endless. Yeah, I mean it's good to have around, but saying that's a stretch. The concept of money just does not coincide with my ideas of what life should be, or could be. I've seen first hand myself. It ruined my relationship with my mother, who raised me as a single parent since 3-4. She is from Brasil and they were really poor there; it's like a really big deal to her family still there that she can afford to live in U.S.A. But yeah, we use to be family oriented, but I noticed how she more and more forgets about Brasil and the culture in exchange for the Americanisms her friends push on her. Truthfully, yes I hate money, but I say I'm indifferent bc either way I know the things I want out of life do not involve large sums of money; in fact, I'd like to keep it at a minimum; something about money just turns me off; maybe because when I look down to see a piece of paper in my hand I know it's the source of misery for someone I don't even know. I'm in the military now so my guilty conscious is/has been somewhat amplified. But I plan to come home before I ship out to Japan and estrange my mother. The justifications for money as a medium for exchange made by economists are paper thin, too.

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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What's money mean to you?
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
"Love of money" I've read plenty of books on this; from both the socialist side and the capitalist, to the middle in between. You can not reconcile money with peace it's just impossible. The universal power of money is literally out of control. Why dream of something that keeps you dreaming? And dreaming of what? Bills payed and secure future? The only reason you even have to worry about that is money; You're saying money is a solution to a problem that people create for themselves. Sounds like masochism

Keiseki @keiseki
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What's money mean to you?
Keiseki @keiseki
I think money is necessary. A constant flow of it means you are at a stable point where you can support your living essentials. The rest of it are perhaps what you'd call an added bonus.
I don't really understand why people struggle to earn more than they could spend and save. I've met people who have been blinded by the thought of richness, luxury, and the entitlement to brag about it. It sounds incredibly hollow and lonely. For someone who values their pace or a simple life or who is already content, it's pointless to aim for that lifestyle.

neeto @neet_one
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What's money mean to you?
neeto @neet_one
I agree completely crimsonsun2xseries. This country has a really nasty habit of brainwashing people into putting the dollar before family.

xypho @xypho
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What's money mean to you?
xypho @xypho
This account has been suspended.

eliascorazon @eliascorazon
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What's money mean to you?
eliascorazon @eliascorazon
I find i have too much for certain things and not enough for others.

Holyfok @holyfok
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What's money mean to you?
Holyfok @holyfok
Dosent mean much to me I have a lot of it but I just cant care about it, unlike everyone I hate flash and unecessary stuff I want the pure basic stuff
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