5 things you love. >w<

Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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5 things you love. >w<
Many-titled Neko @mrnekotamer
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MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
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5 things you love. >w<
MewMew(─‿‿─) @wertingman
1.Family (some)
2.Civilization 3 complete
3.my mods for civilization 3
5.did I mention civilization 3?
Civlization 3 describes my life<:3

xxx @__removed_gurren921
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5 things you love. >w<
xxx @__removed_gurren921
1) kittens
2) pizza
3) anime
4) my recliner
5) Jack daniels

SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
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5 things you love. >w<
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95
5 things that I love
1)God & Jesus
2)Video games
3)Listening to music
4)Chilling out with my friend's
5)Mexican Food *that's why I am fat* lol

Blank @sweetdeath
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5 things you love. >w<
Blank @sweetdeath
1.Sleep anytime I want
2. Sleep 15+ Hours a day
3. My mother c:
4. Neptunia

K @hothentaiwaifu
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5 things you love. >w<
K @hothentaiwaifu
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Spencer @aphelion978
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5 things you love. >w<
Spencer @aphelion978
2.Martial Arts
5.Learning ( It has to be something I am interested in though)

Chocopyro @chocopyro
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5 things you love. >w<
Chocopyro @chocopyro
1: Anime
2: Martial arts
3: HVZ
4: Anthropology/Sociology
5: Having more than five things

йෆıя @diviner
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5 things you love. >w<
йෆıя @diviner
1 ~ Spending time with my love ( if I ever have one )
2 ~ watching horror movies
3 ~ having fun with people who brightens my day
4 ~ laughing
5 ~ this one is a bit weird and I'm not like normal girls but. . I like to laugh at people's pain ( I'm half yandere so if someone goes near someone I like I'll probably giggle like a maniac ) though it depends as well ~

Akane 茜 @akane_wakuraba
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5 things you love. >w<
Akane 茜 @akane_wakuraba
guess i'll give a less academic answer this time : )
1. taking care of people whom i care about
2. watching the cloud; and watching reflection of light in the river
3. reading alone in library with old books, classic lamps and high ceiling
4. going to morning practice in karate dojo
5. having wind blow though my hair
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