What's most important to you in a match?
displaynamehere @purefault
What's most important to you in a match?
displaynamehere @purefault
A lot of people say looks aren't important, but I think it's natural to want to be with someone you're physically attracted to.
Of course, common interests are important as well, but I think a similar way of thinking can be even more important.
What something that would make you guys go from seeing someone as a friend to seeing him/her as a potential romantic partner?
It often starts from being physically attracted, but there's always something that kinda sparks feelings to a new level when getting to know someone.
To simplify what's important to me:
Similar ways of thinking
Similar interests
Similar tastes
Mutual attraction
Above all, someone I can just hang out with and be myself around.
Izumi25X @izumi25x
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What's most important to you in a match?
Izumi25X @izumi25x
My dream girl...
...is a nice person; not mean to me or others
...is patient and understanding
...has a good appetite and is not a vegetarian/vegan
...likes anime/manga and/or Disney and/or sports (at least one, we need to have a common ground we can passionately talk about :])
...is open minded
...is not afraid of touch, in fact enjoys touch
...is single (DUH)
...is not too big (200 lbs+) or too small (under 5'00") not because I want to discriminate because I myself am over 6 feet and over 180 lbs, I don't wanna crush her...
... has hair that is at least shoulder length (no Rihanna or Miley Cyrus hairdo please)
neeto @neet_one
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What's most important to you in a match?
neeto @neet_one
I'd say for myself there's two variables that would have to be cleared.
I wouldn't want to dehumanize the process but the first would be something of a virtual check list of positives and negatives that I'd go over before knowing if a romantic relationship is something to even consider. It ranges from automatic turn offs to things I hold in high regards and would make me want to overlook other issues. One could probably guess what most of it would be so there's no real need to go into details I think. Although there are a few things that I'm interested in and not interested in that might surprise you.
Second variable is simply if we even get along together. From having a similar mindset/way of thinking to having the same sort of interests. If we can't enjoy eachother's company then obviously things would never progress past the friendship stage at best. Needless to say this one's the more challenging one of the two variables. It's hard enough to find someone I enjoy spending time with, for them to say the same in more than just a friendly way is rare.
I don't think things would work out without both being cleared. If the first is cleared but the second isn't then a relationship wont even get off the ground. If the second is cleared but the first isn't then it's not gonna last very long.
Imagine it like rocket, with the first variable being the rocket itself and the second being it's crew.
Without the crew that thing is going nowhere. Sure you can set it off on it's own but it's likely to go off course and crash without someone to guide it. On the other hand if the crew's good but rocket's bad it might just fall apart or even blow up at any moment. An extremely good grew might hold the thing together but it'd still be a bumping and unpleasant ride all the same.
But when you got both together in harmony at their best, then there's no limit to where that pairing can take you.
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
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What's most important to you in a match?
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
Intelligence and technical literacy.
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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What's most important to you in a match?
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Simplicity hands down, but I enjoy complexity of the mind. So someone who can take life for what it is and analyize it without letting it effect her countenance.
HumanoidS @jellz
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What's most important to you in a match?
HumanoidS @jellz
Looks are important because there has to be some sort of physical attraction with the other person. It isn't the most important thing tho.
I'd say the most important thing is chemistry. We could be total opposites but if we click with each other when we talk and are around each other then things will work out
JackTechno @jacktechno
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What's most important to you in a match?
JackTechno @jacktechno
I like when a girl is fun to hang out with. Does that go without saying? What really catches my eye is someone who shares the same values, and can also be silly.
Chocopyro @chocopyro
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What's most important to you in a match?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Creativity, charming personality, and romantic signaling seem to be all that I really need to start looking at someone as more than a friend, if I mesh well with them. And yes, to me, looks do matter. I don't need to justify this, for I am human, and it is perfectly valid to perceive certain traits and good genes in a "potential mate" through a woman's physical beauty. (Lol, biology aside) I can work around it, sure. But I at least see a fit body as a sign that at least I don't have to stop every five minutes and wait for her to catch up due to my above average walking speed.
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
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What's most important to you in a match?
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
I don't care about look that much but cannot be too ugly at least acceptable and for personality need a good one. Mature since I don't like my potential gf always complain and tell me to meet her instead working. I feel like need a wife instead of gf :0.
Sonic @sonicspinner
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What's most important to you in a match?
Sonic @sonicspinner
If I'm looking to get serious with them, having similar morals is probably the most important. Looks obviously count as well, but I don't want to date someone I will disagree with frequently regardless of how attracted I am to them. Being open minded or flexible to new ideas/trying out new things is always a plus.
Being educated/having some sort of stable job is pretty important to me too, if for nothing else because I take education very seriously. I'm not all that impressed with people who do have goals for the future, probably because I've been raised in a fairly typical Asian household. >.>
Whether or not they like anime/manga is not a big deal for me in all honesty, but I would prefer it if they are at least into video games. XD
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