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Maiotaku members fanfiction

i typed the shrek story in 10 mins lol if not i would have went into detail
Oct 26, 15 at 7:51pm
That moment when... http://avvesione.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/chihayafuru_2-01-taichi-thinking-planning-karuta-practice-sports.jpg I question Lux's sexual orientation http://files.kirinyan.net/2013/chihayafuru.5.png
Fun fact: Bruce Lee is actually my childhood hero.
And we're all anxiously awaiting your story Pika-chan!
Haha Arc I agree Lol cute Luna Panda u should have never wrote that God awful story from hell
Here ya go ya people! Take a break and just read this please~ The night. A dangerous, yet beautiful time. The brilliant light of the full moon illuminated all that it touched with its silver fingers. A blanket of stars shimmering to silent music. Though it was not a happy tune they were playing. Standing upon a cliff, a young woman contemplated on the value of her life. Was it worthy? To keep living in a world she feels she has no connection to? She stared down the cliff with eyes like the sunset, peering at the dark waters below with crooked claws of rocks jutting out. She stepped back as a gust of wind came through, whipping her pale hair around her. Just jump, she thought to herself. Just jump and it will be all over. Simple as that. There was more emptiness in her than she can handle. What purpose can she serve this world of corruption? Friends, family leaving her behind. She smiled sadly and let out a dry laugh. Insignificant would be the perfect word she’d describe herself, along with pathetic, useless, and weak. How sad indeed. A once kind soul now tormented by the shadows of her bloodstain past. Something she wishes she could forget. She raised her face to the moon, closing her eyes, taking small steps towards the edge. One more step and what little existence she had would vanish. Yet the darkness refused to let her go when a hand grabbed her arm. Hate it? Bite me!!
that was actually really good pika-chan
Wow that was amazing
Why thank you~ (>///<)
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