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Who was the girl though
Yussss!! Awesome stuff? But who saves her? An angel, a friend, a lover, such a cliff hanger! (No pun intended)
o.O Who do you want it to be?? Kidding~ Won't know until next time. Just to get you guys thinking.
Or does a Ass Come and save the day Jkjk
Hahaha, everyone always leaves it on cliffhangers I feel like I'm reading 10 manga's at once and now I have to wait for next week's chapter...
Yes so just waiiiiit!!! If you want me to keep going I guess. Even I don't know where it's going?
That was awesome. Can't wait for part 2. ^^
^.^ so you guys can go back to your argument that I so kindly interuppted.
Haha no Keep writing I want to read more
And for the record, I am 100% strait. There is just something fascinating about what the human body is capable of. It's truly an art form to master your body to such a degree. And then to maximize it for a certain sport like football or martial arts or just for aesthitics like bodybuilding. Man, it's incredible to think about how efficiently the human movement system needs to run for these men (and women) to be such athletes in their respective sports.
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