What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Someone to connect with, someone to dedicate my life with. All girls are beautiful. God created boners or a reason.
Kitsunya @kitsunya
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
Kitsunya @kitsunya
Someone that isn't too big, or for that matter someone that's too skinny. Out of everything I didn't like was girls who were just really small in size ( i'm saying like they weigh 80 or so pounds, that's just so light!! Why?! ). I don't get the appeal all that well. Both ways show me that she doesn't properly take care of herself, but I do like both areas to a certain point, its not like I need a median.
Other than that, just so long as they like to play video games and aren't too lazy. I'm open to alot, but not everything.
Being a little tomboyish is a plus too!
Wagen @ivo
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
Wagen @ivo
Someone like her.
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Spanish, smart, likes beer.
duck @jullyann
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
duck @jullyann
Chubby ones but not that FAT
neeto @neet_one
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
neeto @neet_one
A socially awkward boring depressed loner nerd(not hipster) shut in with no real goals in life who has an unhealthy obsession with anime and is the insecure obsessive/clingy type... would actually be pretty interesting in my book.
mariahaise @mariahaise
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
mariahaise @mariahaise
Like my mom( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ok no xD but seriously my mom is best woman ever. Beautiful caraqueña.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
i like them maria girls <--- my impression of king_frost
not sure if i posted earlier and im too lazy to read back but my personal preference is basically a shy girl/loner/innocent, with yandere tendencies and act super clingy, i dont care about body type as long as its reasonable (not too big and no skinnier than me), has to have the same interests as me, gives me lots of attention (cause yeah im an attention whore), is really interesting, and can understand me
sugarbotan @sugarbotan
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
sugarbotan @sugarbotan
Sweet and honest. Height weight proportionate. I tend to be drawn to cute petite girls but she doesn't have to be. Someone who loves to binge watch anime but who is happy getting out into nature from time to time. Someone who takes care of herself, not into drugs (420 ok as long as it's not her only focus) and drinking is ok. She has to like animals. And most of all has to be ok that I would be having a separate relationship with a guy. That would be the girl for me!
Yu @metaljester
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
Yu @metaljester
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