What are your Preferences when it comes to girls

devy_13 @devy_13
What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
devy_13 @devy_13
Personally as long as they're Drama free and chilled which is a Huge plus

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
Lamby @momoichi
I like mine like super sonico
GUYS on the other hand I like tall, small belly (for soft fluffy hugs ^_^), hairy, big hands, and geeky cute
But as long as he's nice I'm open to anything

115 @siruboo
commented on
What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
115 @siruboo
a girl thats around my hight, dont really want a giant or a little person. non smoker and doesnt drinl a lot

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I like a wide range of girls but prefer short and anywhere from skinny/athletic to curvy with a big butt. I prefer small to medium boobs but doesn't matter much. No body hair unless Asian which I don't mind pubic hair. Though pubic hair gets in the way when Im trying to give oral, which I like to do daily. Race doesn't matter but have a slight Asian fetish. Also like redheads. Prefer longer hair, twintails a plus. Must love d̶o̶g̶s̶ doggy style and 69. (p.s. I do like big calm dogs, hate little yappy dogs, prefer cats).
As for personality. Must love horror movies and not freaked out by much of anything (including something as boring as boku no pico). Should like heavier type music along the lines of metal, industrial, alt rock. NO COUNTRY MUSIC! Prefer an interest in the supernatural and weirdness. Must like traveling and road trips. Appreciate artistic endeavors. Must like anime conventions and Renaissance fairs. would be nice if also loved caves.

115 @siruboo
commented on
What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
115 @siruboo
i wonder if theres a dating site for really tall or really short people

카덴자 @sdcadenza
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
카덴자 @sdcadenza
This account has been suspended.

115 @siruboo
commented on
What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
115 @siruboo
i love asians

Nipplord @nipplord
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
Nipplord @nipplord
This account has been suspended.

115 @siruboo
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What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
115 @siruboo

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What are your Preferences when it comes to girls
neeto @neet_one
The 2D kind.
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