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How have you met people over the years?

School? Work? Through friends? Concerts? Cons? Ever just walk up to a girl/guy at random and strike up a convo and it actually worked out? How have you met people you began dating later?
I normally just hang out in dark allies for unsuspecting people to pass by. Sometimes I'll hide in bushes at the park at night and wait for easy targets but that's more of a long shot. I used to try leaving a trail of candy to my van but that was a lot more trouble than it was worth.
In the years since I left highschool, most people I met either at college or at conventions. I was the president of my college's anime club for a few years, in addition to doing work for the student government and a couple other organizations, so those helped me get acquainted with a lot of people. In addition, I tend to somehow make friends with a few people at every con I go to.
@OP - pretty much all of the above. @Anubis - I did the same thing in college, clubs and student govt to broaden my contacts.
Usually in school but for work not so much since I don't see any girls that I interested in my coworker but customers yes. But I cannot ask them for a date or for phone number since it against my moral and work ethnic.
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School, school, school again, fast food, one online. Weirdly ever walk into a mexican resturant and wonder why you recieved your food free XD. I did, god im super oblivious didnt realize until I found the reciept with his number on the back.
School mostly, a few from work. Surprisingly the best friends I have made have been from going to cons and events. I can't back up what Anubis said more, cons and clubs are fantastic places to meet great people. And don't be afraid of going alone, it's usually better if you do because you'll be more open to meeting new people.
friends of friends, coincidence
School, marine corps, and online :P
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