How have you met people over the years?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
commented on
How have you met people over the years?
Chocopyro @chocopyro
Pretty much all of the above.
The main places I tend to establish new social links these days are:
HVZ Games
Anime Cons
And Online.
But over the years? You have to account for all of the following.
Boy Scouts
Career Center
Old Friends
New Friends
Random D&D groups
Dragged into creepy vans and abducted by the government for MK-Ultra Experiments. (Happens to me all the time. -_- )
Getting rear-ended at a red light
Stuck in lines
Urban Exploration
xueli @xueli
commented on
How have you met people over the years?
xueli @xueli
All the above as well, although I don't actually make a lot of friends online. I kinda prefer to interact with people on a more face to face level than through the internet.
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