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just broke up with someone and i feel like death

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My advice is that you need some emotional development. I didn't even get my first girlfriend until I was a year older than you. Look, chances are the first girl you ever fall in love with isn't going to last forever. You need to build up enough emotional strength to stand on your own two feet. That's what it means to be a man. Everybody goes through this. Rather than trying to pick up pieces of a broken vase, you need to focus on centering yourself. If you can't do that, no relationship will ever work in the long run. That's why this one failed. Both of you were not ready for a long term commitment. Sorry to sound abrasive, but you don't need to be coddled if you want to get stronger.
thanks everyone for their advice
If you're cutting yourself over something like a 2 month relationship ending man, I'd look into getting some counseling even if it's just talking to your school counselor. That's not a healthy way to be and can lead to a whole slew of medical and emotional problems. Relationships ending suck. A lot of us have been there, but just do what you have to do to get by. Spend more time with family and friends (bros before hoes), do things you love to do in your spare time, and work on improving yourself. Time is always the biggest thing and the immediate time right after a break up is tough, but you will get over it and will find someone knew. Just gotta do what you can to power through the depression and heart break in the mean time.
First off, stop cutting. As there's no way to measure a person's emotional ties to someone or something there's no point in saying things like, "what over a two month relationship?" That's not fair to you...However, if you think self harm is the way to battle through this, it's not. It's a time issue. Find things to distract yourself or do things you enjoy. They may not be as fun as they were before, but at least it will keep you occupied. Then you can always find healthier or better alternatives to keep you busy. Just going out on a limb and assuming there may be worse underlying issues than just a break up and depression. I'm not saying you should get counciling but wouldn't it be better to get help from someone who is certified and educated to help you work through these issues than asking strangers on the Internet? Yeah, it's possible you can work through this alone, but it's going to take a lot of willpower and self-preservation, not self-destruction.
You are in a relationship with her for 2 months and feel like dying already. For me, I had a relationship on my first love for 10 years and broke up. Does that mean mine is nothing compare to your? You need to act up no use crying over spill milk. That mean she does not worth your time. You still young and can find a better one. When girls want a break up then let them go since you do not owned them. Girls being picky is not good. You shouldn't be picky as well just see if you can have fun with them. Right now I'm still looking for a better and yet understand me. I don't care too much on look now. I used to be but after got few experience. I notice is different from anime and real life situation. Like the saying why give up the Whole forest for a single flower. If you still cannot give up on it, do whatever you want just don't become like Eliot Rodger.
I never liked the term "looking for a girl/boy" even if i am on a site like this ;P. And i don´t even try hard. Instead i would like it to feel natural instead of forcing a relationship. I don´t think 2 months is much. Also lots of my friends also wants girlfriends but i always tell them to first have a stable life first. In this case i think that girl might have had some problems that built up and these problems affected you making you annoyed. If you really liked her, then it is ok to be sad. But don´t dwell on it. Instead try learn from it. Plus if you keep being sad all the time you might annoy others around you the same way she did to you. making you the same and not better. All those stuff she gave you. I think you should get rid of them one by one instead of all at ones if it is too hard for you. Sooner or later if you are still not in touch you will probably forget about them anyway and she will be just another one of your past.
Sounds like the typical first world my-life-is-too-lame-so-I'm-gonna-create-problems-where-are-none dilemma. Get a pet. Or a hobby. It's not healthy to cut over a 2-month relationship no matter how young or emotionally immature you are. As many people already said this might have been the first girl you ever dated but she certainly won't be the last. Get your shit together, mate, and move on.
2 months shouldn't be labeled as to short it all depends on how strong your feelings for the other person is
You're going to regret saying that. ^^^^ lol Wait for it...
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