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just broke up with someone and i feel like death

Time actually matters, and if you two broke up with only 2 months of dating, then apparently your relationship wasn't profound enough. You're treating it as if your 2-months relationship is the same as a 2-years relationship. If I hear another stupid highschooler say, "IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW LONG THE RELATIONSHIP IS AS LONG AS WE HAVE LOOOOOVE," I'm gonna cap an ass. This isn't a movie for naive kids.
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You metion "it's the attachment".... Ya know that's called infatuation? You may very well have loved her, buuuuut....2 months isn't so hard for a well adjusted individual to get over. Being sad is normal even if it's just two weeks, but there's a certain level of sadness that's healthy. To dwell on the dead is to never be alive, move on and get over it. Do you think shes dwelling on it like you are? Believe it or not, you'll find love again and you'll probably lose it again. Each relationship is a refining process.
Attachment or not time does matter since it relate to human life span. I don't want to hear anything about love matter everything can be ignore. You either watch too many drama or stuff. Come back to your sense, this is not like a fairy tale. Everything has calculation including love as well. 2 months are not consider real love or call in a relationship. You only know her how long. I assumed a day or 2 about if you calculate your interaction with her. Your argument of love, time and attachment is invalid. If it that painful for you and you cannot deal with it. You should not be in a relationship in the first place. Mature yourself and see what you want.
To get hurt just make you more resistant to the world outside.... Or you break on it. Choose wisely what you want you really want. :)
Cutting yourself over a 2-month relationship is very dumb. Why would you give up your life for a girl? Also when you said "she changed" when she was in school, sounds a bit suspicious, don't you think? And when she calls herself "fat, ugly, etc", she's basically trying to get a reaction/attention out of you, and you were a fool to fall for it. Sorry for being rude. Just hate the fact that people do stupid things for a girl or guy regardless of how long they met each other. But whatever, I'm just a nobody.
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