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just broke up with someone and i feel like death

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I don't know how to show it ^-^
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Ok this thread became a different topic but anyway 2 months are short. I don't like to deal with crybaby but you remind me of past self. Just focus on your life and stop agonize over a girl. You need to grow up. You will eventually find another gf but don't know when. Make this a lesson, not to put too much faith or love in it until you had children or further development. Being smart save your life and others as well.
Oh boy... Well, I'm going to be honest with you - you're only 17 and you're depressed over a girl you've been going out with just under 2 months and you broke up... Dude, you're young, you're wild and you're free. Being caught up in this kind of young love isn't something you want to do by any means and cutting yourself and basing your feeling of emptiness on love is not helping you in any way, in fact it's hindering your well-being. Learn to love YOURSELF, if you can't do that then why would any girl want to love you back? It's frankly selfish if your definition of happiness hinges on the need for a partner, because it's clear that you both aren't ready for this kind of relationship if both of you think so negatively about yourselves. Take all of your experiences in stride, bad and good - look at it as a life lesson rather than a bitter end and learn from it, assess the situation presented to you and yourself and strive to be better the next time. It's not the end of the world, just the beginning of a new chapter. I suggest you read the contents on this website: http://www.doctornerdlove.com/ I've been reading this for a bit now and it's based around dating but it encompasses self-improvement stuff as well (Which is what I usually read into), give it a read and keep an open mind while you do because some of the stuff in there is some of the most enlightening shit I've ever read and it goes into far more detail than I did.
2 months is short af. Stop drowning in self-pity and forget the whole thing. You have a couple of hundred 2 months in front of you so why bother that much with this one?
First of all, you can't call someone you've dated for 2 months a boyfriend or girlfriend- they're a theory if anything. Secondly, you say that you broke up with her because she had severe depression, yet you've done self harm after YOU broke up with her? Okay... Alright, before you waste somebody else's time by dating them- YOU need to work on yourself first. Get help, albeit someone professional or someone close to you.
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like i said two months means nothing time means nothing its the attatchment you have to them
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