Who Would You Choose From...

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Who Would You Choose From...
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
.... anime "Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou," as your bride? XD

jaybee @jaybee
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Who Would You Choose From...
jaybee @jaybee
I watch this serie, and I love it. However, I do find it a bit odd to pick one to marry, since they are... Anime characters and all.
I'll just state my favorite in that case! Rachnee all the way.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Who Would You Choose From...
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
I choose the slime girl just because

lolita_latte @lolita_latte
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Who Would You Choose From...
lolita_latte @lolita_latte
I personally love Rachnee. She's the most tolerable and true to herself. Plus she's so cool. :)

Arc @arc
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Who Would You Choose From...
Arc @arc
I haven't seen this anime but I love monster girls. Is this a hentai? (//ω//)
My choice would have to take personality entirely out of the question....hard to choose...this is very hard to choose!
I'm assuming I can't fly on Papi's back...I'm just going to go with Cerea, because I can ride her. I need to watch this anime/hentai and get back to you on an updated answer.

neeto @neet_one
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Who Would You Choose From...
neeto @neet_one
A friend keeps bugging me to check out this anime, but like I told him monster girls kinda gross me out.

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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Who Would You Choose From...
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
I watch it bcs Its funny. I was like, at first, I don't know. So, I just was like what the heck. I like comedy anime.

Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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Who Would You Choose From...
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Haven't read/seen the series yet (I prefer finished series), but purely based on the original hentai doujin... Rachnee. :3

徐々に @jojoni
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Who Would You Choose From...
徐々に @jojoni
Suu the slime! No lube &/or foreplay needed!

josh769 @josh769
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Who Would You Choose From...
josh769 @josh769
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