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Why is it so hardddd???

One can say that it is a test. A test to determine if your sincerity and conviction to be with someone is true. Naturally girls are not made from a cookie cutter so you should expect them to be different from one another. They have their interest in you have your own if there is nothing you two share in common chances are it might not work out they way your hoping it to. As for the whole living far away, again if you want it bad enough and you feel for them greatly you will make the effort to meet up and what have you. Lastly it is a lot to ask for someone taking care of themselves to want to snuggle and watch anime. I say this because if they are taking care of themselves that usually means they have a steady job and cant always do that. However, if they watch anime all the time they may wish to change it up by actually going out and having fun doing other things with their person of their interest. Then again i have been called a romantic so it could all just be that you are ill fated with finding someone easy. And some force just want you to work for it a bit more.
Aug 26, 15 at 12:11am
You're into hobbies more predominantly populated by guys than girls which in turn makes it more difficult to find single girls since they tend to have more dating options than the guys do. There is a level of superficiality in the geek/gaming/otaku community that is just as common as it is amongst "normal" people and those kinds of hobbies tend to attract a lot of the more unpopular, undesirable, and introverted members of society. That's what most single guys looking for girls with similar interests (and vice versa) tend to face when trying to meet new people to really answer your question.
I've had a different issue lately. I've been meeting more girls in the last several years that are into anime and related subcultures. However it seems that many of them, including my ex gf, are either asexual or just have various sexual anxieties or just low sex drive. So the search continues for a geeky girl with interests related to anime, horror, goth type subcultures who are also into marathon sex and just like to play lots but also want a long-term monogamous relationship.
Aug 26, 15 at 1:08am
That's what happens when you limit your target range to a relatively niche hobby. The more you narrow things down the harder it gets.
Ya gotta play with...Oh....Relationships... Why are you so focused on just a couple of attributes instead of the whole picture?
Aug 26, 15 at 7:35am
I thought he wanted to learn relaxation techniques...
Aug 26, 15 at 10:57am
I always thought geeky girls where usually the ones with higher sex-drive/kinky-ness. It's just that they hide it because of shyness/insecurities. I'm kinda curious what secret fetishes some might hide...
You're limiting yourself too much by focusing in on only a couple of hobbies that make up not even 1% of who that person really is. It isn't like every girl that likes anime is the same, they are all unique people with other interests, attitudes, personalities etc... Instead of looking for someone who has an interest in anime and then seeing if things go well, you should just look for someone you actually get along with and then share your hobbies. It isn't like women who aren't into anime now will never ever like it. A lot of people are open minded and want to share in the interests of the people they love. So if you get a girlfriend you connect with chances are she will want to get into anime to share in your hobby with you and you will want to get into whatever she loves to share more time with her. That is how relationships work, they are built together not pre-constructed.
Aug 26, 15 at 6:49pm
Was more of a joking post, considering I date most of the girls around here/online dating sites, just they are so materialistic and have more interest on reality tv then nerdy/geeky things. My ex was the exact girl I was looking for, except she was a virgin, and having sex didn't seem to be in her agenda any time in the future so we had to part ways. We were together for 2 years so that was a long time of no sexi tyme, if you namsayingggg As for people saying I need to widen my horizon of other things I've tried it, it's not worth it, Video games and Anime is my life, I'm not going to date a girl that refuses to let me play or hates when I watch anime. Been there done that.
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