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Do you separate your real life preference from your anime crush?

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Oh that's alright then because demons are cool o/
While it's nice to think about or fantasize a little about certain anime girls, at the end of the days, a good majority of them are highly idealized and unrealistic. It's why, as much as I don't mind a good harem anime, it wouldn't be realistic irl in a million years. "Look at all these amazing looking girls fawning over this average looking guy!" It's fantasy and that's all it should really be considered. As far as irl girls go, I'd have zero problem dating a cosplaying otaku fangirl, but I would not attempt to shoehorn some specific personality or narrow my focus so much that I have to have a girl that matches a specific kind of personality. I have a hard enough time finding single otaku/gamer girls in my area to begin with.
Well, in fiction I am normally attracted to crazy serial killers. I don't want that irl.
As long as they like the same anime as me, they could literally look like a septic tank for all I care.
All of my anime crushes could probably kill me almost instantly, so I don't think I'd find a girl in real life that could be powerful like that. I have two different sets of preferences for my realistic/unrealistic expectations. Dat ass though. That is universal.
dat @ss you say? https://41.media.tumblr.com/9f1629966fa41546de6d87012b5fd67f/tumblr_mt1cx9q1tP1suxajso1_500.jpg
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