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Do you separate your real life preference from your anime crush?

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It does not mater to me. There is a difference between real life and a drawing.
3dpd gtfo, waifu 4 lifu.
I only date people with disproportionately big eyes on disproportionately big heads.
Noting beats the real thing.... While there may be some parallels of style tastes they are separate things otherwise.
There are plenty of anime girls that certainly fit my idealized preferences but even then I can crush on anime girls who don't fit my preferences perfectly, physical and personality-wise and that translates just the same to real women. Sure it would be nice to have girl who fits my ideal anime girl preferences but I'm by no means hard line about the preferences as I'll date women with varying aspects - different hair colour, eye colour, skin colour, facial features, height, breast size, etc. It really doesn't matter to me, if I like someone then I like them and if possible, date them despite whether or not they fit my preferences perfectly. As long as I like them then it doesn't really matter. Like DarkuSchneider says, nothing beats the real thing - but anime girls can still be pretty as hell.
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hav mercy plz http://rack.1.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA3LzE4L2EwL2NyeWluZ3dhdGVyLjQ2NzZiLmdpZgpwCXRodW1iCTEyMDB4OTYwMD4/9fead436/c15/crying-waterfalls.gif
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