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The "I Have A Great Personality" Clause

This is a question I've always been really curious about but what's your opinion on people who are constantly having to let you know that they have a "great" personality despite the fact when there is evidence to the contrary or when they have noticeable personality flaws that they're unwilling to admit? I always got the feeling that people often say "I have a great personality" to people or just throwing it out there in the general message as a way to say "Pick me I'm better than everyone else for acknowledging I have a great personality lel". Honestly this is something that has always bothered me because I always found it to be a lazy and crap endorsement of one's own character, almost as a way to gloss over their personality and even physical flaws (despite the fact that most are easily fixed with enough time, patience and effort). The reason why it annoys me is because I see a lot of people saying that when they're looking for a relationship, but when you get talking to someone who lets you know that their personality is somehow infallible, they end up coming across as complete arseholes, stark contrast to their supposed "great" personality that they seem to boast. This is especially a thing when it comes to people searching for relationships and I see this a lot in guys - they try to project their personality as amazing, and every time I see that I always get the sense that because of that they feel that they're entitled to the prettiest girl out there, their choices be damned, and when they get rejected they get all pissy and just can't seem to accept that the girl they like doesn't love them back. I don't know how that kind of behaviour starts, but I find it extremely immature and it has always annoyed me when people try to pretend their personality is perfect and they feel the need to constantly recite it. My opinion of a great personality is someone who is kind, gentle, understanding and friendly - and they don't feel the need the need to always tell people they have a great personality which is what these people fail to understand. Now no personality is perfect by any means, we are always making mistakes but in fact I find that the people with the greatest personalities are always willing to mention and accept their flaws, where they know they aren't perfect but they accept that with modesty and they're humble about it. That's my definition of a great personality. So I'm curious, what's your opinion on this subject? Have you ever seen or met people who behave like this and how do you feel about them? TL;DR What do you think about people pretending they have the perfect personality?
I try to avoid those people but eventually I'll still encounter them. I guess I just let them do their thing and I decide whether I like them or not by their personality. I do see it as an immature thing and kinda dislike it since it's like they are glorifying themselves in a way. Not sure how to explain but hopefully I make sense.
Just smile and nod http://static.zerochan.net/Hatsune.Miku.full.1906227.jpg
Many people that are looking for relationships, often Hide their flaws to make them look that much more, Well, Good as a significant other. People that need to boast about things, are rarely ever good with it, Because they need to compensate their lack of "Whatever they talk about is", But they still want people to think they have it so they seem like one of the better options, Many at times often do not even know they do this and genuinely think they have said qualities. You know the saying, Say a lie enough, and sooner or later you'll believe it. Now it doesn't always mean they are being arrogant vain, Alot of times people that do this are just incredibly insecure, and feel that if they don't hide or lie about their personalities flaws, that no one will see them as worthy. Though this doesn't stop the actual stuck up people from doing it either, They, the actual vain one's, Have probably heard it's the personality not the looks so many times, they now rather Say "I have a Great personality" more so than just " Look I'm sexy". Though both of these hurt a relationship, You must be honest in one, it's built around trust, so even the insecurities shouldn't keep you HIDING Things from your partner, If they truly care about you, then you're flaws won't matter, and if you look hard enough there will always be someone single, Many people single, that won't mind them, it just seems impossible at times(Now if you want these people is another story). While the more arrogant form of this is just a way of showing an overflated ego, Not really much to say about it more than that. My opinion on a great personality is them being themselves, Kindness and honesty, well in basics, their are many other traits I'd say are good, but I could talk about my gf's good traits for hours, so I'll just leave it at that. Either way almost everyone has a few good traits as everyone has a few bad ones, it's if you Choose to see those traits as bad or good, Good and Bad is all Subjective, what I may see as good, may be horrible to another and vice versa. So no matter what, some people will dislike you, while other's could see you as perfect even(Though don't expect people to, Though it is possible). It all depends on the people. Though I'm not here to talk about philosophy either so that's my two cents.
Pretty much the same people who are always complaining that "but I'm a nice guy!" when they throw fits after they get rejected. Honestly I think it's just a way where they can mope about themselves and whine about how they're the victim and not have to actually do any self reflection. It's all everyone else's fault because I have SUCH a great personality and/or am SUCH a nice guy! In general though, I think saying you're a nice guy or that you have a great personality is a terrible leader. It's such the lowest minimum baseline that I just don't understand why someone would even feel the need to say it. It's kinda like if you're going through resumes, would you really hire the guy that puts, "Proficient at microsoft word" as the number one thing on their list of skills? Especially in this day and age? Or as a cracked article put it: Saying that you're a nice guy is like a restaurant whose only selling point is that the food doesn't make you sick. You're like a new movie whose title is This Movie Is in English, and its tagline is "The actors are clearly visible."
I feel you shouldn't have to tell anyone you have a great personality. Your just trying to make it known so people will pick you. They should already be able to tell just by talking to you to see whether or not you have a great personality its not like they are dumb. People like that usually arent the ines with a great personality. They say they are nice but lets say you reject them then they start to show their true colors and blame you for things and make it seem like everything is your fault.
I guess if you said that about yourself it could be seen as redundant. We live in a world now where everybody thinks everyone else is out to get them so by saying you think you have a great personality that automatically makes you look like a creep I guess. If you think you have a great personality I don't see the harm in saying so since it is your opinion. Using it as your main selling point almost sinks you right from the beginning eh? "Well, I'll be the judge of that!" To some people it sounds like a challenge just to prove you wrong. It's not your fault if they don't like your personality but maybe if you follow it up with a description of it and honor it they can't call you a liar either. Better they have confidence in one aspect of themselves than just saying "I suck."
Well...that's what we call a superiority complex. People like that keep lying to themselves and when they do that long enough they actually start to believe their own lies. Which means they will really start to think they are flawless gods and then get super confused when somebody dislikes them. However having flaws and making mistakes is what makes us human. And being aware of them is what motivates you to be a better person. Those who are living in illusion that they are perfect will never bother to try to improve. They will always stay the same way and keep making the same mistakes over and over again. So it's not that surprising that people get annoyed by this. As for myself. I'm many stupid things and have many flaws. And even if I can't completely fix those things I will still try to come as close as I can. From relationship point of view. Of course it's important to impress that special someone and try to shine with your qualities. However I think it's equally important....if not more important to also inform that person of your flaws. I mean...they will find out about those flaws eventually. This way you will avoid any stupid surprises and it will also make it easier for you to know if you really like that person. Truth is the way to go. No matter how sweet the illusions may seem they will still leave a bitter aftertaste. To compare...It's like adding enormous ammounts of glutamate into your food. Of course it does taste 10 times better but it's pretty damn unhealthy. Though this comes from a guy that doesn't talk to people irl much and has never been in a serious relationship before. I lack the experience to prove my words so there is a chance that what I'm saying is just a pile of garbage.
Luna that sounded so cheesey, but it made a lot of sense http://static.zerochan.net/Hatsune.Miku.full.1901486.jpg
Thanks Sunny. ^^ *hugs* http://www.koi-nya.net/img/subidos_posts/2011/08/chica_mona_02.jpg
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