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When's a good time to message my crush?

A while back I asked for some advice regarding a girl I met on the site. Here it is for those who haven't seen it: http://www.maiotaku.com/mytopics/565/mytopics/23387 Anyway, I've been thinking to myself lately about asking her for her Facebook so I can contact her outside of MO since neither of us are online much but I use Facebook pretty much once a day at least. The thing is I don't know if I should just send her a message asking that and hope she sees it or if I should message her next time I see her online. I don't want to end up spamming her. Again, advice would be appreciated. And thanx to all the kind people who gave me advice on my last post.
Just do it.
Just message her once and not a billion times and you should be fine.
Just send her a PM now. Just once should be enough. That way when she gets on she can message back right away (if she wants to). If you're on all the time waiting for her to get on, it'll take up too much of your time. Best of luck :)
Here's an easy way, send your number and tell her it'd be easier to talk/text over the phone. I'm sure by now you've gained enough trust where it won't come off as creepy. Then, take it from there and tell her how you feel.
ask any time, be cool about it
Definitely the next time your crush is on the toilet. Perfect timing.
WTF, rOBSCENE-pie?!! Seriously!
Ask her nicely, when she's online... then you can get a reply fast right? Uhmmm then if she replies, good for you... If not or you've been seen-zoned that's still ok... be positive about it, just think that she is busy or something... I think???
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