English accents

zena8kichigai @zena8kichigai
English accents
zena8kichigai @zena8kichigai
My friend maki says wen iii talk in an english accent she cant hear me/understand me. she calls it jibberjabber!!!!

zena8kichigai @zena8kichigai
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English accents
zena8kichigai @zena8kichigai

SimonSan @simonsanbr
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English accents
SimonSan @simonsanbr
Apparently my English accent is pretty good! ^_^

mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
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English accents
mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
meh...I likes my ever so slight southern twang....

SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
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English accents
SolarFlareKC @solarflarekc
Some people have a English accent, and those are hot. zena8kichigai here is a severe hottie.

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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English accents
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
pfft I have been told that I have a "interesting accent" It is not exactly Texan but its a different breed of its own. I have no idea how I sound. I do not like listening to myself on recording but I like to listen to myself singing.

BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
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English accents
BubbleSparkle @kjdreamer2
lol people get me mixed up. I have a little English accent and people also hear Canadian apparently. Rofl

Sherflow @sherflow
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English accents
Sherflow @sherflow
"English accent" there are about 100 different regional accents in England.
However my English accent sounds really really authentic, so I'm told.

Manga_bird @manga_bird
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English accents
Manga_bird @manga_bird
My accent is quite clean and 'English' in the fact that a lot of people say I 'don't have an accent', but I think I have a slight hint of Essex in it.

Arc @arc
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English accents
Arc @arc
I can pull off a pretty convincing proper British accent, but only for a sentence or two. Then it all goes to hell and sounds like irish...
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