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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I dont think Im particularly physically attractive but I feel Im more physically attractive than some people. If this offends some people, Im sorry. But clearly you must think you are less physically attractive than me to be offended. If that sounds egotistical, eh, oh well. When it comes to being mentally attractive, that depends on how well you know me I guess. I can be as immature as a 5 year old if I want to be, of if I need to put the serious hat on, then fine, I can do that too, Im 27 after all and I have a little more life experience than I would perhaps like at my age. So I think mentally, I would attractive since I have my head screwed on and Im aware of my responsibilities. Then theres emotional attractiveness. There must be something here I havent worked out yet since every relationship I have been in has lasted less than 12 months. I feel Im a good boyfriend. I care enough and do my best to ensure my other half never has to feel worried about anything. However there must be something I keep missing. Every time Ive been broken up with, and thats all my relationships, Ive never been given a clear answer as to why things have been ended. It would be nice to know what has caused the break up so that I dont fail on it in the future and can make myself more emotionally attractive since this seems to be where I must be going wrong. Though Im almost 2 months into my current relationship so theres 10 months left before I either break a record or have to start from scratch again...
I haven't been sleeping well recently due to problems falling asleep and when I did, had nightmares that involved bad memories. As a result, I look and feel like hell. Therefore, I don't feel attractive lately. The bags under my eyes say it all...
I never thought I was attractive. My physical traits are average my face isn't anything special, actually probably pretty rough to be honest. So when it comes to looks I know I got the smallest slice of pizza. Do I care? you bet i do!~ Those pretty boys like my brother with their awesome hair and chiseled jaws and chiseled pecs and bulging bicepts... bah. Wish i had them, but i didn't so i realized early on i have to keep a girl with my mind/humor/personality rather then being a dumb mim-bo. Worst is because of my shitty looks in comparison my little brother always knew he was handsome looking and made sure to be an asshole to so many decent looking girls to. They say nice guys finish last. "They" that said that are damn right to, so many girls would constantly keep coming back to him or trying to "be the one to change him" b/c of his looks/attitude they'd somehow wind up with that "cool dark b/f who was an ass to them but wound up being their special soulmate, that oh BTW looked awesome to boot..... pffff.. as superficial as men are... trust me. Am I an attractive person? physically no not really, mentally I could be but it seems life isn't as fair as the movies make it to be, do i sound bitter much?... yes... do i deserve to? of course it happened to me more times then i could count. Do i hold a grudge to him for it? Not in the least, women will make their choices of their own free will and keep crying over the phone or on the doorstep to the home me and my brother share. I suppose my best attractive trait after all this venting is... my compassion and ability to forgive. meh i said it.
Well, that's tough. I don't consider myself ugly, but I definitely wouldn't say I'm anymore attractive than anyone else. I stay in really good shape, so that helps my confidence a bit, but I'm still not too terribly confident in my looks. :/
Well I don't find myself attractive, I feel that I'm average looking. I have a poor self esteem issue. Therefore, If I thought better of myself than I would feel more attractive. I think the only thing I have going for me are my eyes.
You know, I get told I'm attractive sometimes... eyes, hair, and my general body shape being where most of the compliments come from. I'm not a twig, but I technically have an hourglass kind of figure. I'm actually fairly average, as the rest of you are saying. I'm not all that confident in my looks. I have my moments when I feel fantastic, but the second I analyze myself in a mirror or look at a tiny girl my confidence falls through the floor. I have an itty bitty complex over petite girls (like 5'2", twiggy girls). Long, uncomfortable story.
Oh crap. I'm a twiggy, 5'2" girl. D: I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BAD. There's a long story behind me too. I ran the marathon, and over 7 months it transformed me. Longest story of my life! xD
XD No, it's not that you (or any girl that like) did anything bad. In fact, you're adorable. & That's awesome. :D I just have a past of stupid guys choosing little girls over me. I watched one of my exes throw a girl over his shoulder, carry her into his bedroom and shut the door on my face. :p Gooood times.
Oh my gosh that sounds so traumatic for you. >:O But why take the stupid guys' choices into consideration? I can definitely see how you're attractive yourself. And what that dude did is HORRIBLE. >:(
^ I'll kill that guy!! :0 everyone here is beautiful, and deserves to feel as such.
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